Bitconnect Carlos from NY scam.

After months of people calling it a ponzi scheme, Bitconnect met its doomful fate this week when it was shut down. By then millions of dollars had been invested in promise of 1%/day returns, only for that money to be lost when things took a turn for the worst—including this guy who lost $30,000.

But before that could ever happen, Bitconnect investor Carlos Matos took to the stage in front of thousands of people to deliver what is certainly one of the most recent cringe-worthy performances that make us have to pause the video just to get through it. Along with making his coworkers visible wince in pain as he screamed sang loudly, his deafening enthusiasm drowned out the crowd.

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Of course, this was made into a new music video that really sums out how stupid of an idea Bitconnect was in the first place. Check it out:

Here's the original video for reference: