Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club.

Hey San Francisco? What the hell happened to you? 

There are few things in life I enjoy more than making fun of San Francisco. I take no pleasure in simply being mean for the sake of it, but there are times when we must speak up against the rise of tyranny and that time is now. 

Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club. 

Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club.

And honestly, riding around the city with your friends sound like a ton of fun, hell, I did it for years on bikes and skateboards. I know full well the joys of going out and having a day in the city with nothing but time to waste and friends to hang with. But BeaSk8 just doesn't sit right with me, and I'm not sure exactly how to explain it. 

Seriously, I don't want to sound like an old fart, I really don't, but something about this rubs me the wrong way. Something in me feels awful about making fun of people who just want to enjoy life, but maybe it's that BeaSk8 has a products page on their site:

Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club.

Or maybe it's the fact that they created their own app to track just how fast everyone is the group is. (which kinda sounds cool)

Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club.

Ehh, it could also be this quote from the SfGate: "When we stopped for snacks at a bar, the group sprawled their gear everywhere, unicycles and skateboards plugged into every outlet (they've tripped the breaker before)." 

No, I know what it is. It's everything about it. It's the products page, the resources spent building apps for a riding club, it's the take over of bike lanes and outlets. But mostly it's just how god damn pathetic they are. I mean. Just look at this photo. You'd think they were going to war they way they're dressed. Is that guy wearing a chest plate to ride an electric scooter? Goggles? Racing helmets? Knee pads? How fast do those things even go? 20 miles an hour? 

Allow us to introduce to you, BeaSk8, San Francisco's very first electric vehicle club.