Awful New 'Forspoken' Trailer is Getting Memed Out of This World
Bad writing means better memes.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
The internet has had a lot of fun with the trailer for Square Enix’s new fantasy game "Forspoken." The trailer shows off some interesting story elements, glimpses of the combat system, and a brief general sense of what gameplay might feel like. So what’s the issue?
For whatever reason, they decided to go with voice over dialogue that sounds like it was written by my twelve year old cousin with superpowers who just stumbled through the wardrobe to Narnia.
A beautiful and cruel new land? Twisted monsters? An array of magical abilities? Sentient jewellery!?
— Forspoken (@Forspoken) August 8, 2022
Welcome to the world of #Forspoken.
In what feels like a perfect merge between the trends of modern advertising and movie script writing, the trailer sounds like one of those spam mobile game ads. Except for the fact that it’s being produced by the 2 billion dollar company that brought us "Kingdom Hearts" and "Final Fantasy."
Fortunately, the people have risen up, and decided to fight back in the form of memes. Some of the results are absolutely hilarious.
For something I made on my phone in an hour I’m actually sorta proud of this
— Not Lord Pyro (@NotLordPyromon) August 11, 2022
A beautiful and war ravaged land? Elite monsters? An array of Arts? Fusions!?
— Osha (@oshawotty) August 11, 2022
Welcome to the world of #XenobladeChronicles3#Forspoken#Xenoblade
pre-order halo 2 today and you can gain early access to the multiplayer map pack (9 all new maps + bonus features)
— Stryxo (@Stryxo) August 11, 2022
So let me get this straight...
— Liam (@somenameidkman) August 10, 2022
I'm somewhere in New Mexico
I'm seeing FREAKING drug lords
and - OH YEAH - I'm cooking meth
Yeah, okay, that is something I do now
So let me get this straight... our editor has too much spare time...
— DolosAEC (@DolosAEC) August 11, 2022
Wishlist IXION:
— Elvis The Alien (@ElvisTheAlienTV) August 10, 2022
[Crazy action, freeze-frame with record screech, start zooming in.]
— Possum Reviews (@ReviewsPossum) August 9, 2022
"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this crazy situation. Well, it all started when this company of bad guys called the UAC got this not-so-bright idea to open a freakin' portal to Hell..."
Hopefully bigger companies will start to realize that this silly formulaic style of advertising only works for a certain audience, and we expect more from them. But in the meantime, we can laugh at the memes.