Chinese Police Use Hurricanranas to Apprehend Suspects
What’s going on over there?
Published 1 month ago in Wow
What’s going on over there?
What’s going on over there?
While our cops are busy tazing fictional characters and falling out of convertibles, police in other countries are actually getting to work. Now, I’m not saying this is necessarily good or bad, but it’s certainly true — as noted by the BBC, American cops are amongst the lowest trained and least educated police forces in the Western world.
In case you’re wondering what police training looks like in other countries, let this recorded session from China be an example. While showing off how an officer might take down a suspect, this cop doesn’t reach for his taser. Instead, he relies solely on his legs and might to do an incredible scissor leg takedown.
Chinese Police Use a Scissor Leg Takedown to Subdue Target in Anti Terror Drill
byu/DblockDavid inThatsInsane