Doctors Find Live Eel in Man’s Abdomen, Man Won’t Say If He Tried to Put It Up His Butt

If any doctors are reading this, be honest with me — how much of your job involves taking things out of people’s asses?

By Braden Bjella

Published 11 months ago in Funny

If any doctors are reading this, be honest with me — how much of your job involves taking things out of people’s asses?

If any doctors are reading this, be honest with me — how much of your job involves taking things out of people’s asses?

For as long as people have had assholes, there have been people who have tried to shove objects into them. Whether this is for pleasure, curiosity or some combination of the two is an open question, but no matter the reason, people can’t get enough of shoving guns, keys, cups and more up the ol’ poop chute.

Recently, a man in Vietnam went to the doctor with stomach troubles. Upon investigation, doctors learned that he had a 30-centimeter-long eel living in his abdomen.

“But how did the eel get up there?” you ask. Well, the man won’t say, but the doctors are doing pretty much everything short of saying that he put it up his own pooper. “Doctors believe it entered his anus, slid up his colon, bit through his intestine and entered his abdomen,” writes Sara Odeen-Isbister for Metro.

Unbelievably, surgeons were able to remove the eel and stitch the man back together, allowing him to recover in the hospital and return to his everyday life of *definitely not* sticking things into his rear end.

Hopefully, this whole experience taught him a lesson that the rest of us learned from 1guy1jar — be careful what you put in your butt.