People Streaming 'Puss in Boots' on 123Movies Have Noticed a Very NSFW Moment

Websites like 123Movies exist so we can stream our favorite movies for free whenever we want. Just know things may get a little more spicy than you're expecting.

By figgyPudding

Published 2 years ago in Funny

Websites like 123Movies exist so we can stream our favorite movies for free whenever we want. Just know things may get a little more spicy than you're expecting.

puss in boots - 123 movies

Websites like 123Movies exist so that we can stream our favorite movies for free, whenever we want, with just a small dip in quality. But if you're using it to pull up the latest DreamWorks hit Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, just know things may get a little spicier than you're expecting. 

One scene, in particular, has received a lot of attention, and it involves Puss experiencing a panic attack. Critics have praised the scene for showing an accurate representation of a panic attack, even though the movie is fantastical. If you're watching the scene on 123Movies however, the screen is cropped so that things look a little different. 

This tweet has been viewed by over 2 million people, and some folks have responded by showing their view of the scene on the sketchy streaming platform. 

Many people were understandably disturbed by this view of the children's movie character. 

That being said, Puss is voiced by the ever-sweltering Antonio Banderas, and some curious people wanted more. 

123Movies is a fantastic way to watch big movies from studios that definitely don't need your hard-earned money as much as you do. Just be prepared for anything, like hard ratings jump on your new favorite kid's movie. 

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