Even Ben Garrison Has Had Enough of 'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams' Racism

If you've lost Ben Garrison, then you really are on an island all your own.

By Peter Rapine

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

If you've lost Ben Garrison, then you really are on an island all your own.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams is having one of the worst weeks of his life and rightfully so after he went on a livestream and urged his followers to, "get the hell away from black people." Adams, who has been an outspoken critic on 'cancel culture' and 'wokeism', launched himself into a new stratosphere of racism this week and has since had his famous comic removed from its few remaining publishers. 

 Scott Adams has gone full Kanye, you never go full Kanye. How far Kanye has he gone exactly? Well, even the insane mind of Ben Garrison, known for his unique, albeit hilarious cartoons, dedicated his most recent strip to dunking on the Dilbert creator.  

Adams' livestream rant was a reaction to a poll, where black people were asked. . . you know what, it doesn't matter, just watch the video. 

Yet somehow, these remarks aren't even the most insane of Adams' this week. The other day Adams posted a tweet where he claimed that, "No Black person has ever discriminated against me. That's partly why I identified as Black for several years." We have more questions than answers, but maybe this is why Ben Garrison is off the Dilbert train, he too has a thing against Black people.