‘It’s DoorDash!’: Police Lure Elderly Woman Outside With the Promise of Food
In the United States, cops are basically allowed to say whatever they want.
Published 9 months ago in Facepalm
In the United States, cops are basically allowed to say whatever they want.
In the United States, cops are basically allowed to say whatever they want.
As noted by the Civil Rights Litigation Group, “They can lie about evidence they have, such as telling you that they found your fingerprints at the scene or that you were caught on camera. They might tell you that other people involved have already confessed and have implicated you as well. They might say they have already spoken to your spouse or friend who believe you are guilty. If you take a polygraph test, they can lie and tell you that you didn’t pass.”
All of this means that, if the police want to talk to you, they’ll find a way to do so. Case in point, this group of cops who pretended to be a DoorDash driver.
Police lie about who they are when announcing themselves
byu/Romano16 inPublicFreakout
Apparently under the misapprehension that the average person wouldn’t just tell them to “leave it at the door,” these cops repeatedly knock on a woman’s door claiming to be DoorDash. When the woman actually opens up — well, she’s confused, but she also seems to imply that they have the wrong house, as she invites the group to come inside and inspect the place.
Redditors were pretty shocked by the fact that the police tried such a game, with many noting that police cannot enter your house unless they have a warrant or they’re invited in.
“I would have never opened the door for someone hiding from the peephole to begin with. And even if I did and saw it was the cops, I’d immediately close the door,” wrote a user. “If they have a warrant, they don’t need me to open the door for them, nor lie about who they are.”
“I’d prefer not be sprinkled with crack and have my dog shot just so they don’t have to feel like they wasted their time,” offered another.
Then again, another user speculated that there could be something else going on: “They’re allowed to do this for special circumstances, usually when they have word of a husband beating the shit out of his wife or some other situation that could turn into a hostage situation real quick. Notice how she kept pretending to be DoorDash even though the woman could obviously see her. Probably got a call of a domestic in progress but got the wrong apartment number.”
Still, it’s not the worst method police have used to enter a building.