Jessica Biel Came Out as Anti-Vaxx and She's Getting Roasted With All The Memes and Reactions
No Jessica, why?!
Published 5 years ago in Facepalm
Actress Jessica Biel, who is also the wife of huge celebrity Justin Timberlake, has "come out" as an anti-vaxxer. She has recently been showing up at events, one in particular with anti-vaxx crusader Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to lobby against proposed California bill SB276, which would limit medical exemptions from vaccinations without approval from a state public health officer.
She recently posted the below image to her Instagram where she openly talks about lobbying against the bill.
Obviously, everyone and their mom had something to say about this including some hilarious memes about the actress and her husband which you can enjoy below.
I spoke to a legislative staffer who met with Jessica Biel and RFK Jr. The staffer says that Biel "said that her doctor recommended the regular vaccine schedule for her kid and she refused."
— Anna Merlan (@annamerlan) June 13, 2019
So... why go to a doctor for science in the first place if you're not gonna actually *listen* to the doctor and science?! You can get your kid free lollipops somewhere else.
— Rachel Howzell Hall (@RachelHowzell) June 13, 2019
This is what she told the doctor
— juanca (@jmalq) June 13, 2019
Jessica Biel isn’t a rogue Facebook mom with a wacky opinion of vaccines, she’s a fucking celebrity with a lot of influence. I’m so annoyed, I wish I could go back in time and unwatch I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
— sarah schauer (@SJSchauer) June 13, 2019
There is something so poignantly privileged about rich people lobbying against vaccines when people in third world countries line up for miles just for the CHANCE to get innoculated
— Autumn Farrell (@_rufhaus) June 13, 2019
Wait so was Jessica Biel against vaccinations the whole time she was married to Mr. Peanutbutter??
— Jeff Alexander (@mgiant) June 13, 2019
Apparently, “7th Heaven” is just a place where all the unvaccinated kids go #JessicaBiel
— Linz DeFranco (@LinzDeFranco) June 13, 2019
— eastcoastcheesehead (@e_c_cheesehead) June 13, 2019
— Paul (@PauLinNY) June 13, 2019
There’s something so awful about calling it “coming out” as if there’s anything brave about announcing that you would kill your child and possibly many others because you don’t understand science
— Desta (@ColumbiaSkies) June 13, 2019
I had given Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel the benefit of the doubt after rumors surfaced of them being antivax. But this week Biel met with infamous antivax crank RFK Jr, so I guess the couple really has decided that:
— Nathan Boonstra MD (@PedsGeekMD) June 12, 2019
Wait... Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are anti-vax??
— Danny (@jDantastic) June 13, 2019
I was on board with JT bringing sexy back but now that he wants to bring polio back I don’t think we’d make good friends tbh
when you find out jessica biel, the first woman you were ever attracted to, is anti vax
— Matt Grippi (@MattGrippi) June 12, 2019
After receiving a ton of backlash, she came out and said she's not opposed to vaccinations, but she does not support the bill limiting medical exemptions.
Jessica Biel be like...
— Justin W. Waldrop (@JustinWWaldrop) June 13, 2019
Be sure to also check out 45 Anti-Vaxx Memes That Hilariously Own Science-Ignoring Crystal Moms for hilarious anti-vax memes, and 21 of the Best Responses to Anti-Vaxxers to get your fill of anti-vax stupidity.