Man Catches Kid Who Fell Out a Window

And for his catch, he was awarded… $50?

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 week ago in Wtf

And for his catch, he was awarded… $50?

They said no good deed goes unpunished, but we all know that this isn’t *really* true. However, what *is* true is that there are plenty of good deeds that go under-rewarded. Sure, you should be doing good things for the sake of doing good things, but it would still be nice to get the occasional kickback from the nice thing you did.

For example, this 17-year-old was on the street when he noticed a kid about to fall from a window. Thinking fast, he stepped forward and caught the kid, most likely saving the child’s life. For that, he was given $50 — a humble sum, but I’m sure the whole “saving a kid’s life” thing felt pretty good.

A 17 year old boy in Turkey named Feuzi Zabaat catches a 2 year old girl after she fell out of a window, he was awarded $50 by the family of the toddler (2019).
byu/bendubberley_ innextfuckinglevel
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