Move over Gatsby’s green light, it seems one a-hole has found a new, Hitler-backed means of calling out to his missing fiancée — hanging swastika flags from the windows of his Chicago apartment.

Earlier this week, Chicagoan Peter Craig managed to piss off his neighbors, his landlord and pretty much anyone other than Kanye West and Mel Gibson after placing visible hate symbols throughout his abode, a move that has him facing both eviction and something even scarier — the wrath of a Chicagoan scorned.

“To have that swastika flag there makes me sick to my stomach,” local restaurant owner Patricia Guerrero told the local ABC affiliate, noting that as a Latina, she doesn’t “want to live in fear because that’s not what Edgewater [the neighborhood where Craig lives] is about.”

“Everyone is welcome,” she continued. “Everyone is welcome, and that is scaring people away.”

But despite the tangible impact his decor has had on his neighbors, Craig insisted he’s really not a Nazi, he’s just hanging swastikas from his windows to draw attention to his missing fiancée, Ariana Daniels. “I don’t like Nazis. Nobody likes Nazis. Nobody likes what happened in World War II,” Craig explained to ABC7. “But everybody in America deserves to have their home as their sanctuary.”

“I’m not a skinhead. I am not a skinhead. I’m a long-haired, peace loving, freaky hippy,” he emphasized.

So he says, but a search on the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System found no missing persons cases of anyone with the name “Ariana Daniels.”