American Gladiator actor Mike O’Hearn, has found his place among Gen Z, emerging as the internet’s latest beloved himbo. Over the past several weeks, O’Hearn, a bodybuilder, model, and actor, has joined the ranks of Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove and all the beloved pop culture himbos to emerge as TikTok’s latest gold-hearted gigachad incarnate.

“Guard: Sir you are not allowed with animals in the gym,” read the text of one video. “Me Af,” the text continued, the background clip depicting O’Hearn riding a horse while shirtless.

Awkward moments, too, have also appeared as a common thread among the trend’s viral installments, with several creators showing just how adorable these common snafus can be.

“Cashier: ‘The receipt is in the bag.’ Me: ‘You Too,” read one viral clip, which has since garnered upwards of 50,000 likes on Instagram, set atop a video of O’Hearn flashing his adorable smile.

“POV: Me when my grandparents say I look bigger than last time they saw me,” set to a snippet of O’Hern flexing his muscles before an onlooking elderly gentleman.

Beyond capturing the hearts of TikTokers across the globe, the trend even snagged O’Hern’s personal stamp of approval, the star taking to social media to express his appreciation.

“Okay, these memes are hilarious, I am dying you guys gotta keep this stuff up ” the actor raved in a video shared to his Twitter page last month, which has since amassed upwards of 4.2 million views in a repost from TikToker @crooksyfit. “I don’t know where it started, but it has taken over.”

Take it from the Titan himself: Toxic masculinity is dead – long live O’Hearn and himbo kind.