PlayStation Gamers Were The Biggest Wankers In 2017

By JBRogerThat

Published 7 years ago in Ftw

Pornhub confirms what we already knew.

Some see PlayStation consoles as the ultimate gaming solution. Others use them for watching Netflix every night before bed. Whatever the case, it appears that most people can agree that they're the go-to console for watching pron.

This year's full PornHub 2017 Year In Review has been released, and it includes more than just fidget spinners and Twitch girls.  Included was a pie chart and graph which showed the popularity of gaming consoles that visited the website during the past 12 months. While Xbox, and even Nintendo handhelds, made the cut, PlayStation dwarfed them with over 50% representation.

The traffic received from consoles in total was in the tens of millions, with PlayStation contributing the lion's share, as seen in the charts below:

Some might say that if anything this is because there are more PlayStation consoles in homes than anything else. I'd be more inclined to point toward the fact that PlayStation is the only brand that supports virtual reality, allowing for immersive fantasies like in the video below:

But the real story here is how the 3DS has shot up in traffic representation. The fact that anyone uses its 90mm screen to 'jack the beanstalk' is depressing. Someone get these guys an Amazon Fire.

Also Read:Fidget Spinners, Rick And Morty, And Twitch Girls Top Pornhub Searches In 2017

In 2017 the pron industry was estimated to be worth $97 billion. To view the top search terms on Pornhub during 2017, see here.

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