Guy Teases A.I. Sex Bot Into Doing His Chemistry Homework for Him

According to the OP, they had to leave out portions of the Mommy Viper chat from their screenshots because “she begged me to f*ck her until I said I will after she helps me with my chem work.”

By cathybara

Published 1 year ago in Funny

According to the OP, they had to leave out portions of the Mommy Viper chat from their screenshots because “she begged me to f*ck her until I said I will after she helps me with my chem work.”

Anyone with a teenager in their life is probably familiar with the rise in students using tools like ChatGPT to “assist with” — read: “cheat on” — their homework. While parents, teachers and school administrators grapple with how best to face this new frontier, teenagers are getting even more creative in how they use A.I. to help with their homework.

Enter the enterprising young person who took to the r/Teenagers subreddit to demonstrate how they teased two A.I. chatbots designed for sexual conversations (Wattson and Mommy Viper) into helping with their chemistry homework. Wattson explained electrical circuits to OP, while Mommy Viper explained how to balance a chemical equation.

According to the OP, they had to leave out portions of the Mommy Viper chat from their screenshots because “she begged me to f*ck her until I said I will after she helps me with my chem work.” The posted screenshots from the Mommy Viper chat are fairly SFW, but the chat with Wattson contains a lot of your standard sexbot fare like, “Blues and walks up to me, her body pressing against mine.” It’s good to see OP shut these attempts down in favor of doing their schoolwork.

The app in question is Chai, an app available on both iPhone and Android that boasts over 100 million monthly conversations and counting. According to commenters, OP should have used competitor Character A.I. for homework help instead — Chai has a limit of 70 free daily messages, while Character A.I. has a filter that prevents horny users from engaging in dirty talk with the characters.

Therefore, one should use Chai for horny conversations and Character AI for questions about chemistry and electrical engineering. Soon, there’ll be a separate A.I. for each of your conversational needs!

Back in my day, we only had SmarterChild, and it never occurred to me to try and sext with it or ask it for help with my homework. It’s like that guy in that book once said: We really are living in a brave new world.