This Is What Cuphead Would Look Like On A Black & White CRT

By JBRogerThat

Published 7 years ago in Ftw


Built in the likeness of 1930's cartoons, Cuphead is a one-of-a-kind type of game. Although its mind-puncturing difficulty has been the star of the show on social media, its art style deserves equal attention.

Also Read:Cuphead Is So Hard It's Pissing People Off, But They Can't Stop Playing

But back in 1930 colored TVs weren't a thing, so technically Cuphead's art style isn't 100% true to its source material. So, one guy decided to play the game on an old black and white CRT television to see what it'd look like. The results were pretty amazing, as seen below:

Cuphead's environments were all painted, and animations hand-drawn by game director Chad Moldenhauer. The techniques used were remarkably similar to cartoons in the 30's, with the major difference being that the gameplay runs at 60 FPS. Though, animations still run at 24 FPS like in the old days.

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