What a shit show, sorry, shithole, the Trump administration is. First, a feud with Trump's ex-lover and pegging partner Steve Bannon consumed the news when Bannon said Trump's actions during the campaign were 'un-American'. Then to make things even worse, Donald 'The Stable Genius' Trump went and said some offensive shit about Haitian and African immigrants, because you know, why the hell not. 

And today news broke that the Dotard in Cheif paid Porn Star 'Stormy Daniels' $130,000 to keep quiet about a questionable sexual encounter between them. And before you try to defend his honor, which he has none, you need to know that no one, especially Trump would pay a cent for something he didn't do and or couldn't fight for in court. 

Like of course Trump either cheated on his wife with her or had her step on his tiny balls while she rubbed his nipples in KFC gravy, no one denies that. We just hope that maybe there is a sex tape out there somewhere or maybe, Stormy Daniels will break her vow of silence and tell us how big Trump's button really is. Here's to hoping!

Also check out: How to make a Stormy Daniels Cocktail