HONK! 'Untitled Goose Game' Memes Honor the Greatest Game Ever Made in History
Published 5 years ago in Wow
As of today, Untitled Goose Game by developer House House, is the number one selling game on Switch, beating out a ZELDA GAME made by NINTENDO that was released on the same day.
If you haven't played this game I highly recommend you go do it right NOW.
In this absolutely perfect game, you play as a bad-ass goose who just doesn't give a shit. You terrorize the citizens of a peaceful little town and cause absolute havoc everywhere you go. There are actual tasks that you are supposed to complete, but you can really do whatever you want. It is honestly more fun than going on a rampage in Grand Theft Auto because you're a mother effin goose. Here are some things you can do:
• Knock a little boy over.
• Steal the little boy's glasses.
• Lock the little boy in a phone booth.
• Honk and flap your wings at will.
• Run around with a knife.
• Steal a dang sandwich.
I give the game 4,000 honks, but don't take it from me, check the memes below.
Hi I'm Mark and I make goose versions of classic memes. #untitledgoosegame@house_house_pic.twitter.com/VbpuHQJvug
— Pretty Random Gaming (@PrettyRGaming) September 28, 2019
well boys, we did it. private property is no more. #UntitledGooseGamepic.twitter.com/1ApgP09HLe
— Meme man (@BlueUltramarin3) September 29, 2019
no keys 4 u #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/vt7KacWwkS
— womp womp (@Putrid_Moldyman) October 2, 2019
— Vicky (@MokkaQuill) September 28, 2019
Who did this? @AnnaRoseVan #honk#untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/AhhUqV665u
— Shark-Spooky-bite (@SharkB1t) September 25, 2019
this promo shot (recreatable in game easy!) of #UntitledGooseGame is honestly a masterpiece
— Sir TapTap but spooky (@SirTapTap) September 27, 2019
You should strive to have a single image portray the essence of your game so clearly and so appealingly as this pic.twitter.com/vaUMmhCOyY
After painstaking hours, I finally gathered every single item at the center of the canal. Including the bell. #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/qkyxBTy9in
— Ross ? (@ViseGripper) September 29, 2019
This is just to say
— attacus (@attacus_au) September 29, 2019
I have stolen
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
they're in the lake now
with your sandwich
honk honk honk#untitledgoosegame
Getting in on the Goose memes. #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/2NkD6dEXPE
— Pretty Random Gaming (@PrettyRGaming) September 27, 2019
I have achieved comedy #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/cb0umz3uNM
— Mitch Regis (@mitchregis) October 1, 2019
Goose give, Goose take, Goose HONK #untitledGooseGamepic.twitter.com/y0b617V661
— Ellie O'Daire, Statistically Sleeping (@EllieODaire) September 28, 2019
The more I see of this game the more I need to buy it #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/ZT235fGJgx
— Jess (Turducken) #EGX2019 (@g4merslu7) October 1, 2019
About to spray the grounds keeper with water. #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/3HqFlj86ft
— Malware Unicorn (@malwareunicorn) September 27, 2019
I'm playing '#UntitledGooseGame' and I'm pretty sure this is how to do it. pic.twitter.com/gSU2HVpp8o
— Mayticks (@mayticks) September 25, 2019
Sick umbrella stunts. #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/orHPk2ym9Y
— Ive Sorocuk. (@SirIve) September 24, 2019
Cleaned out the shop. #untitledgoosegamepic.twitter.com/ZmRJBRxBQq
— Mags (@magsplaysgames) September 28, 2019
Good game #UntitledGooseGamepic.twitter.com/ub5n1JWKkP
— DinGHOUL! (@_scoobandshag) September 24, 2019
Time to goosify one of my favorite memes #UntitledGooseGamepic.twitter.com/pjUhZ8tIeD
— ??Kiri press to honk (@taotrooper) October 2, 2019