Bike vs Rollerblader
- Bikes always win!
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Fire Surfing
- Surfing with a Flare
Extreme Train Surfing
- Like a boss!
Surfing Backflip
- here is a gay surfing video because i like gay surf...
Wakeboarding Like a B.A.M.F
- Not a single care was given that day
Ugly Snowboarding Face Plant
- Broken nose and teeth.
Impossible snowboard Trick
- First person to say "fake" gets a punch in the nuts
Snowboarding Faceplant
- Dude smashes his face on the rail.
Wakeboard Jump Over a Boat
- crazy boarder jumps over an oncoming boat
Munich River Surfing
- There's not a lot of surf in Germany, so these folks...
X-Pete The Skateboarding Dog
- That's Not Bad For A Dog.
Painfull Snowboard Flip
- Extreme sports...Darwinism in action!
Worst Wipeouts
- Compilation of some of the worst surfing wipeouts at...
Lucky Snowboarder
- This is a damn close call.
Subaru Snowboard
- Subarus and snowboarding: this video proves they are a...
Great Jump
- The camera man gets more air than the snowboarder.
Snowboard Jump
- Guy leaps a car while snowboarding!
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