Police Boat Capsizes After Getting Clothes-Lined by...
- Bet you never thought you’d see a boat do a backflip!
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65-Year-Old Jackie Chan Stuntman Throws Himself Down...
- Remember that scene in John Wick? It’s kinda like...
29 People And Their Terrible Tattoos that Equal a...
- What were they thinking?
61 Unlucky Folks Who Got Unfairly Singled Out by the...
- While we don't know if these people are actually good...
Cop Whacks Dude With Riot Shield As Many Times As He...
- I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there are riots...
Kim Jong Un Crashed a Boat Into a Tree
- If I were the boat driver, I’d probably get my...
Watch the Olympic Mascot Fall on His Stupid Face
- The Olympics has a history of choosing stupid mascots.
Man Runs Into Glass Door in the Funniest Way Possible
- Maybe we just can’t handle glass doors.
British Dude Gets a Brick to the Balls
- Right in the tea bags!
Motorcyclist Hit By Car Does Front Flip and Sticks the...
- Maybe the key to motorcycle safety isn’t only a...
Concert Interrupted by Golf Cart Crashing Into Drummer
- It’s like a stage dive, but in reverse and using a...
Man Sets World Record For Most Cans Smashed With His...
- So *that’s* where all the beer went.
Romantic Date on Seesaw Ends with the Boyfriend...
- Nothing beats a simple date.
People in San Diego Keep Getting Adorably Attacked by...
- In some languages, sea lions are referred to as the...
Stripper Tumbles from the Top of the Pole, Dances It...
- Talk about going with the flow.
Man’s Attempt to Jump Car Goes Horribly Wrong
- If you’re considering jumping a car, you should make...
Kid Lights Firework in a Bus and Ruins Everyone’s Day
- C’mon, some of us are just trying to get to work.
Watch This Man Accidentally Knock His House Down
- You’ve gotta be careful when doing demolition.
Fight Breaks Out After Woman Gets Accused of Drinking...
- If you take the last beer, you’ve gotta replace them.
Woman Seeks World Peace by Getting Hit in the Head...
- Will this bring about world peace?
Cyclist Gets Rinsed By Pole
- Cycling in New York City is only for those with a...
Passenger Says United Airlines Has an "Attitude...
- Flight attendants should be required to wear bodycams.
I Couldn't Believe It: 26 People Share the Worst...
- Stories from people who witnessed an accident on the...
'Enjoy the Broken Ankle': Karen Attempts to Stop...
- Foot vs. motorcycle has never ended well for foot.
23 Hyped Up Brands That Many People Feel Are Overrated
- Prices keep going up faster than our paychecks. So...
Uhhh, That's Permanent... 36 Cringeworthy Tattoos...
- These folks should have gotten a second opinion before...
33 People Having One Heck of a Bad Day
- Moments in life when things went from 0 to 100 really...
No Thanks, I'm Good: 29 Questionable Things We Didn't...
- Do people actually get these?
Gordon Ramsay Shows Off Bruise He Sustained During Bad...
- Superstar chef Gordon Ramsay took to social media over...
Mistakes Were Made: 15 Cringey Trends People Will...
- The modern-day is full of awful trends. Here are the...
25 People Who Definitely Regret Getting Tattoos
- How much is laser removal again?
Reds Fan Runs on Field, Does Flip and Gets Tased
- Baseball is back (some say it never left).
When Life Happens: 22 Unlucky People Who Are Hanging...
- When s**t hits the fan.
23 Times a Tattoo Artist Should've Given a Refund
- There has to be some instant regret with these.
22 People Who Made a Terrible Choice When Getting a...
- These people might have some permanent regrets.
23 Infuriating Things Cleared Designed By Those Who...
- Who thought this was a good idea?
23 Sunburns For the Hall of Maim
- There is nothing worse than coming back from a long...
Unfairly Singled Out: 19 People Who Are About Fed Up...
- Life comes at you fast sometimes and disaster can...
20 Ways to Be Passive Aggressive With a Backhanded...
- Some people just have a knack for twisting words in...
34 Lawyers Share the Petty Ways Couples Tried to Scam...
- Divorce can get real messy.
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