46 Fun Randoms to Eradicate Boredom
- Keep the boredom at bay.
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Trucker Drives Through Road Block by South African...
- A super chill-looking South African truck driver, busy...
Watch a Cameraman's Final Images as a Fighter Jet...
- The USS Oriskany, now an artificial reef off the coast...
Unstoppable Mountain of a Man Shrugs Off Two Fully...
- These two cops got more than they bargained for when...
38 Savage Comments and Funny Insults That Smacked...
- Be careful, some of these are too hot to handle.
26 People Who Mistook Stealing for 'Being Cheap'
- Waste not want not, my dude.
Engineer Builds Secret Tunnel Under His Own House...
- A tunnel to make El Chapo himself blush.
Video Of Dog Joining High School Track Race Goes Viral
- "There's no winning when you compete against Chuck...
Watch Dustin Poirier Send Conor McGregor to the Shadow...
- Historic knockouts and soothing piano: a match made in...
Guy Discovers Insane Secret Images in the Canadian...
- This guy placed his brand new Canadian passport under...
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist...
- A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in...
Giant Squid Attacks Surfers Chilling in Open Water
- It's all fun and games until you're dragged to the...
Mad Genius Generates Mind-Bending Music With Gigantic...
- They're not just for smashing moments before secret...
61 Cool Pics to Obliterate Boredom
- A cure for your crippling boredom.
Way Too Close to the Rio Clario Fuel Tanker Explosion
- That's.... that's close enough.
July 4th Is Almost Here! Watch 'The Sandlot' Night...
- I won't sugarcoat it, 'The Sandlot' should've won the...
The Flying Car is Real
- It's about time.
10 Increasingly WTF Clips We Didn't Know What to Do...
- A mixed bag of random clips that are either too short...
Tuk Tuk Racing in Sri Lanka is (Very) Real
- In hindsight, this had to be a sport some day.
Using a Live Snake to Clear Out a Rodent Infestation
- Just in case you've got a severe rodent problem and a...
Race Car Hits Fence Like Missile Strike
- The driver, Austin Dillon, was able to walk away from...
20 Savage Comments That Left a Mark
- It's tough always being the butt of the joke, but...
Sign Spinner Pulls Craziest Trick Ever
- This dude is on a whole other level.
Footage of the Most Powerful Tornado Ever in Czech...
- The rare phenomenon, unusual for the Czech Republic,...
25 Genius Loopholes That Prove There Really Are No...
- These trailblazers really blazed some trails.
Artist Uses Hammer to Create Insane Portraits in Glass
- Simon Berger is a Swiss portrait artist who uses a...
Gun to His Head, Badass Keeps Eating His Wings
- This guy simply wasn't going to get out of those wings...
41 Cool Pics That Flew Under the Radar
- Stuff you don't see every day.
30 Times People Stumbled Upon The Unexpected
- Life is full of hidden treasure.
20 Real Life Easter Eggs Hiding in Plain Sight
- Surprises that were hidden around them.
25 Odd Things We Almost Never See
- Stuff that is really cool.
Karen Couple Demand Free Food, Hilarious Employee...
- These two chavs thought they could finagle some free...
F-16 Fighter Jet Flies Extremely Low Over Spectators
- Aviation enthusiasts were treated to a once in a...
Car Thieves Try Carjacking Old Man, Get Insta-Karma'd...
- Faith in humanity = restored.
42 Killer Pics to Dispatch Boredom
- Funny pictures images memes fun photos
38 Things to Ignite Curiosity
- Some pretty cool stuff.
43 Choice Pics to Go Gallivanting With
- A vacation for your mind.
Legendary Sniper Shoots Gun Out of Suicidal Man's Hand
- Back in 1993, swat sniper and Vietnam veteran Mike...
28 Ingenious Insults That Obliviated Their Victims
- They haven't been from heard since.
Chemical Plant in Rockford, Illinois Erupts In Flames
- All 70 employees made it out safely after massive...
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