Brewery Owner Pisses Off His Brewer, Business Dies...
- Bad bosses beware: there are some employees you just...
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People Describe Their Most Michael Scott-Like Bosses
- A definite case of life imitating art.
"Zombie Seizure" Modeling Is All the Rage Right Now
- These moves will have women crawling all over you.
26 People Who Found Themselves in an Awkward Situation
- That's gonna be hard to live down.
Bridal Shop Employees Dish on the Biggest Bridezillas...
- Weddings can be a pretty stressful affair, but that...
WWE Legend Marty Jannetty Admits to Murder on Facebook
- Former professional wrestler Marty Jannetty has gone...
Moron Burns Home down Proposing to His Girlfriend and...
- They're probably gonna die soon anyway.
Tumblr User Thinks Fish Aren't Animals, Refuses to...
- The ignorance is off the charts with this one.
Mad Scientist Creates a Sausage Piano for Reasons...
- You'd have to be a real brat to say this isn't the...
Offensive Memes for Those with a Dark Sense of Humor
- Here we have a short collection of offensive memes...
A WTF Moment as a Man Takes off His Mask and Sneezes...
- Now I see why some people think masks aren't...
Trump Discovers New Way to Pronounce "Yosemite"...
- He says it twice just to make sure.
Kevin Tracked Down by Loan Sharks Thanks to Tip From...
- Oh, Kevin - maybe you shouldn't have made so many...
Everyone is Suddenly an Atomic Bomb Expert
- As more information comes out about what happened...
What Is a 'Clovergender'? Some Say It's a Pedophile in...
- People think Clovergenders are secret pedophiles, but...
Science Deniers Gets Schooled For Their Failed Logic
- They're not as smart as they seem.
20 Dudes Who Have Their Simp Cards
- The simp is strong with these guys.
Entitled Influencer Demands Free Food at Restaurant
- The world is filled with entitled people who think...
George Bush Jokes About Looking For WMD's in 2004
- It's hilarious when you think about. America starting...
That Viral Clinton Photo is a Fake
- Today #BillClintonIsAPedo started trending and many...
Unlucky Roller Coaster Rider Drops Their Phone and it...
- I hope that roller coaster selfie was worth it, or...
34 Inspiring People Filled with Dumb
- My faith in humanity dies a little more every day.
20 Dumbest Things People Heard Someone Say
- I've said it before and I'll say it again: we are...
Texas Congressman Gets COVID-19 and Blames It on His...
- You can't make this stuff up.
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a net, because...
Attention Seekers Can't Help But Lie on Social Media
- Social media is full of people begging for your...
19 People Who Bravely Tried Something New and Failed...
- There's nothing wrong with trying something new or...
27 Moments When Life Decided to Suck
- When mistakes get made prices get paid and these are...
Karen Threatens to Shoot a Man When He Tells Her to...
- A crazy lady was confronted by another customer for...
20 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
20 People Clearly Being Dicks
- Some people just enjoy ruining things for everyone...
Racist Karen Definitely Regrets Decision to Insult and...
- This is a perfect example of why it's best to just be...
17 People Share The Cringiest, Most Nightmare Dates...
- Whether you're a guy or a girl, dating these days is...
28 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
Film Crew Member Fails to Recognize Tom Holland on His...
- He's lucky Tom Holland is such a nice guy.
24 Pics Packed To the Brim with Dumb
- A collection of dumb posts from all over the web...
Deborah Babers May Not be a Sex Slave But She is a...
- This video comes from a mask hearing in Ventura County...
Trump Proves He Has The Best Memory by Repeating,...
- This dude is a genius.
Masks in Korea vs America
- We are a very special people. A short compilations of...
Rude Cheapskate Blames Everyone But Himself For...
- Yep, it's definitely the artist's fault that you...
eBaum's Picks