Guy Rescues a Crash Victim, But Not Before He Sets up...
- He rescues the driver from a burning wreck, but not...
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18 Truths That You Just Can't Argue With
- Your reality checks are in the mail.
This Woman Is Super Excited Over Her Kohls Find
- A woman finds a bit of Star Wars gold while shopping.
Female Solider Gets Rekt In Jousting Match
- Now that's what we call equal opportunity.
8 Dirty Tricks That Will Make Life Easier
- Kinky life hacks that are borderline genius!
21 Facebook Fails That Will Make You Facepalm
- We're not responsible if you end up punching your...
Hipster Douchebag Has A Fit After Stepping In Paint
- Oh no, paint on your used thrift shop shoes... They're...
Oblivious Woman Fires Gun Without Even Aiming
- Don't give this woman a gun.
Dad... I Got My Side Chick Pregnant
- Finally, a dad that tells it like it is. **Strong...
Despicable People Who Will Force You To Facepalm
- Socializing is not an easy thing to do for some people.
35 Reasons Why Spelling And Grammar Are Important
- Don't look like a fool on social media, use your...
News Anchor's Cringe Worthy Attempt To Be Funny
- Don't quit your day job buddy.
Lunatic In A Flatbed Truck Pulls A Hit And Run
- Yeah I have my insurance papers at the house, let me...
Bodyguard Fired By Kanye West Breaks His Silence
- "He's the most self absorbed person I've ever met."
Seattle Police Pursuit Epic Fail
- Typical cops, always let the white cars get away.
Meet The Crazy Chick Behind This Bad Hair Meme
- Something is not right with her.
High School Softball Team Loses State Championship...
- A premature celebration results in heartbreak.
Clueless Social Justice Warrior Gets Destroyed On...
- When attempting to shame someone blows up in your face.
Guy Outruns The Cops Like It's Grand Theft Auto
- A thief outruns an LA cop and then rides away with the...
Asshole Driver Gets Rekt Via Text Message
- Hopefully he at least took that solid advice.
Tutor Helps Explain Common Core Subtraction
- This is how you solve for 43 - 13 the common core way.
Ted Cruz Punches Then Elbows His Wife After Dropping...
- Ted Cruz accidentally elbows his wife, Heidi Cruz, in...
The Absolute Worst People On Facebook
- These are the kinds of people you keep around just to...
Gamer Busted After Rubbing One Out Before Livestream
- That awkward moment when you just fapped in front of...
The Family of Cincinnati Teen With Disability Bullied...
- Their son was wrongly accused of being on drugs and...
Ever Wondered Why Road Construction Takes So Long?
- There might be a better, faster way to do that...
Drunk Asks Police For Help Finding His Marijuana
- What a sweet friendly helpful cop.
Creepy People on Social Media That Will Freak You Out
- The downside of social networking is that anybody is...
Idiot Del Taco Manager Fired After Hostile Interaction...
- What an idiot.
24 Images That Will Give You The Cringe
- Awkwardness intensifies
24 People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You
- It's nice to be reminded that other people suffer too.
24 People Who Will Make You Facepalm
- People who are always happy to make you feel awkward.
37 Times People Forgot The Sun Was Hot
- Always wear protection!
The Most Embarrassing Facebook Statuses People Have...
- These Facebook posts that probably should have never...
Congrats To PBNinja17 For Winning Our 420 Blog Contest...
- Congrats to PBNinja17 for winning the 420 blog...
Meanwhile In The Russian Subway
- The Russian subway doesn't need radiation to be weird...
13 "Smart" People Bragging About Their Intelligence...
- Yeah yeah, we're all SO impressed.
Girl Voluntarily Gets Her Booty Branded
- That's going to make a nice heart-shaped infection.
Painfully PC College Students Struggle To Tell This...
- The safe space and gender identity crisis among...
Hilarious Facebook Fails From The Internets Finest...
- Too much stupid in one place.
eBaum's Picks