Pakistani Doctors Spread COVID-19 Awareness by...
- I'm guessing these guys went to the same medical...
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Gal Gadot's 'Imagine' Video is Condescending As Hell,...
- Yesterday the biggest video on the internet was of a...
27 Pics Filled to the Brim with Stupidity
- Stuff to make you facepalm through your head.
The Pandemic Presentation Obama's Transition Team...
- As is typical for out-going presidents, Obama's...
Celebrities Sing John Lennon's 'Imagine' to Lift The...
- Celebrities really thank that during a global...
Marvel Launches New Heroes Named "Snowflake" and...
- Marvel has done some pretty cringe-worthy stuff in the...
Fox News Hosts Eat Their Words On Coronavirus
- Once Trump called the COVID-19 the 'China Virus', his...
Timeline of Donald Trump Downplaying Coronavirus
- Boy, that escalated quickly.
Vanessa Hudgens Said Some Real Unfortunate Things...
- Actress and singer Vanessa Hudgens said some...
Floridians Are Pretty Bad at This Whole "Social...
- Clearly, coronavirus concerns are pretty low amongst...
Jared Leto is The Last Person in America To Learn...
- After a 12 day silent meditation in the desert Jared...
An XXL Serving of Corona-Virus Memes to Enjoy During...
- As the entire world is dealing with the pandemic of...
Trump Health Official Offers Word Salad When Asked if...
- Seriously, can anyone provide a straight answer on...
Coronavirus Exposes People's Overwhelming Stupidity
- Honestly, I'm way more concerned about the pandemic of...
Guy Asked Grandpa For A Quarter Pounder And Gets...
- Are Grandpa jokes are the ultimate form of dad jokes?
Meghan McCain Wants to Show Trump a Thing or Two About...
- Trump's coronavirus speech drew a lot of reactions...
26 Blunders on Movie and TV Posters
- Sometimes even the most skilled of designers fall...
Road Rager Experiences The Most Instant Of Instant...
- This moron was more interested in yelling his insult...
Sarah Palin Rapping 'Baby Got Back' on 'The Masked...
- 2020 is clearly the darkest timeline.
Sam's Club Employee Records People Pouncing on a Fresh...
- Of all the things you could panic buy during this...
CDC, White House Give Conflicting Messages About...
- Nothing to see here, everything is TOTALLY FINE.
Australian Comedian Fools Award-Winning Journalist...
- It's pretty amazing how this award-winning ABC...
Two Cops Confiscate a Man's Phone and Accidentally...
- In a scene straight out of "World's Dumbest Criminals,...
Attention Seeking Millennial Publicly Humiliates...
- Guy gives himself a permanent reminder of his own...
Guy Gets Fed Up With Most Entitled Dude of All Time
- Low balling on video game consoles and begging for...
Super Entitled People Who Need a Reality Check (17...
- They need to be slapped back into reality.
25 Cringe Lords Who Need to Be Kicked Off the Internet
- The neckbeard is strong with these ones.
Host and His Guest Make a Huge Math Blunder Live on...
- Responding to a tweet about how much Bloomberg spent...
Twitter Thread "Destigmatizes" Sleeping In as Lazy...
- I don't know who needs to hear this but you're not...
Finnish Town's Anti-Rape PSA is Just Plain Terrible
- They reportedly spent close to $2.7 million... and...
Crazy Lady Tries Stealing Other People's Drinks
- Honestly lady, I'm pretty sure you've had more than...
Driver Screams as Tow Truck Flips His Car With Him...
- An Ohio man is still in disbelief that as he was...
Stock Photos of Women Who Don't Know How to Drink...
- These stock photos are a veritable fountain of good...
CNN's Boomer-Friendly Primer on Meme Culture is So...
- CNN commentator Chris Cillizza took it upon himself to...
Woman Gets Okay Boomered on FB Marketplace and Calls...
- A dress sale goes wrong on Facebook Marketplace as...
21 Times Social Media Went Too Far
- You hear that ladies? If your man doesn't love you...
When Cheating On Snapchat Backfires
- We live in a dirty world.
19 Mugshots of Beautiful Babes Gone Bad
- We all want a bad girl in our lives, we just don't...
School District Gets a Little Too Extra For Their Snow...
- Troy School District in Michigan really went all-out...
Hilarious Pics of People Trying to Sell a Mirror (20...
- Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll literally just go to...
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