They Tried to Warn Us All - 23 ‘Crazy People’ Who...
- Time is the great equalizer, and history proves all...
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Man’s New TV Plays Nothing But Arby’s Menu
- Craigslist is full of surprises.
5 Objects That Really, Truly Came This Close to...
- 5 times we actually came pretty close to a meteor...
40 Fascinating and Unexpectedly Hilarious Celebrity...
- And people say art is dead, well, what do they have to...
101 Zombies We'd Let Eat Our Flesh
- Everyone assumes that, during a zombie apocalypse,...
Show Me Your Deck: Dudes Can't Stop Roasting Each...
- These guys love posting their decks online for all to...
49 Cyberpunk Animals Given a New Lease on Life
- Aside from it being necessary, fun, and incredibly...
Here’s What They Thought the Future Would Look Like...
- If you’re trying to predict the future, you’re...
Dude Makes Washing Machine Kill Itself
- What a way to go out.
27 Proofs That There are Basically Two Types of People...
- We're a complicated species. There's good people and...
'You Don't See That Everyday' - 40 Strange Sights and...
- Take a few moments to go on a virtual sight-seeing...
Around the World in 18 Zombies
- Whether you’ve sought them out or not, zombies have...
25 Pics Because Reality Is Just a Sims Game
- Sometimes real life looks like a video game.
Bootleg Movies: 7 Cursed Foreign E.T. Knockoffs
- Who knew E.T. was such a beloved figure around the...
27 Cursed Images to Keep You Up All Night
- Now this is what we call "nightmare fuel."
That'll Hold It: 24 Heroes Who Used Flex Seal in...
- Flex Seal is an adhesive spray that was sold on...
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 40 Awesome Pics to Make...
- Start your day with a laugh.
Here’s What Your Average Russian Thinks About...
- We like to think that Americans are seen pretty well...
Two Dudes Light Fart Bubble in the Pool
- Lighting a fart on fire is one of life’s great...
The True Story Behind John Blackthorne, the Crazy...
- Shōgun is one of the most talked-about TV shows right...
This Raven Could Beat You At Tic Tac Toe
- Ravens are marvelously smart animals.
Some Dick at Burning Man Filled a Hand Sanitizer...
- If you go to Burning Man, you’re going to get dirty.
32 Moments from ShrekFest to Turn You Green
- The Shrek franchise is a meme machine that keeps on...
‘Jugger’ Is a Sport That Lets You Beat People Up...
- Finally, a sport for the rest of us!
33 Fascinating Photos to Spruce Up Your Sunday
- The world is a wondrous and fascinating place to...
Dude Picks Up Quarter with a Forklift
- And they have the nerve to call this unskilled labor.
This Out Of Touch Teacher Is Doomed
- Skibidi? Gyat? Fanum tax?
This Miami Speedboat Is Straight Out Of 'GTA'
- It doesn’t get more American than this.
Dude Snipes Wasp Nest with Firecracker Slingshot
- Back to hell, wasps!
The Best Dum-Dum Wipeouts In Philly’s Greased Pole...
- Philadelphia is a, well, let’s just say it’s a...
This Old Dude Makes Watching Baseball Cool
- This guy went from cool to the coolest.
30 Trashy Tinder Screenshots Worse Than Being Single
- If you’re not regularly swiping through Tinder,...
Pickleball Player Smashes Through Glass Wall
- This is the most action I’ve ever seen on a...
Tennis Match Mics Player, and the Sound She Makes...
- Tennis players are known for making all sorts of wails...
48 Odd Sights, Cool Finds, and Interesting Things...
- The world is full of unique and strange things....
Lazy Workers Find Ways to Do Their Job While Not Doing...
- It’s fair to say that most of us would much rather...
Guys Build Bowling Ball Slingshot, Destroy Bowling...
- Does it still count as a strike if you break the...
Pharmacist Tries the Weird Pills You Find at the Gas...
- Have you ever wondered what those pills you see at the...
Canadian Cop Breaks Up Road Rage in Most Canadian Way...
- Given how bad road-rage incidents can be, it’s...
Kid Gets Way Too Scared by Halloween Decoration
- Everything is a bit scarier when you’re a kid.
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