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Dude Hits Coworker in the Face with a Tennis Racket
- Not exactly the bonus he was hoping for.
Here’s Why You Don’t Use Gasoline Instead of...
- In case you were wondering.
Watch a Woman Tase Herself for No Reason
- I guess she learned that getting tased sucks.
Biker Learns Why You Don’t Try to Drive On Water
- It’s slippery!
Man Hits Himself in the Face With Bag Dispenser
- Some people can’t handle the grocery store.
Dude Trying to Help Baby Ducks Gets Attacked By Adult...
- No good deed goes unpunished.
Dad Spends All Day Making Chili, Spills It Immediately
- Hey, it’s just like that TV show!
Dude Doing Flip Over Line of People Lands Right on...
- Is that part of the trick?
Woman Tackles Couple Getting Handsy
- And that’s a first down!
Motorcyclist Hits Median, Goes Flying Into Truck
- Some see road obstacles as a challenge.
Field Goal Bonks Ref on the Head
- That’ll be 3 points (off his IQ).
Watch Dudes Fall Over Each Other to Try to Catch...
- You guys know you can just buy cheese at the store,...
Asshole Teenagers Put Water on Bike Track, Make Race a...
- Is it a dick move? Yes. Is it funny? Also yes.
Turbulence Makes Everyone On Flight Go Airborne
- Up in the air and up in the air.
Cop Eats It While Slowly Chasing After Suspect
- He almost had him!
This Is Why Gun Ranges Have Rules
- Read the sign, asshole!
Skaters Try to Bomb Hill, Fall Like Dominoes
- Once it started, there was just no stopping it.
Eye Doctor Gets Sucker Punched in the Middle of an Exam
- This is for that “shoot air into your eye” test!
When Disaster Strikes: 22 Times Someone's Day Went...
- When life decides to flip you the bird..
Driver Slams Into Woman in Crosswalk on Her Phone
- Crossing the street boring ahh hell.
Guy Doing Flips in Restaurant Gets a Booth to the Shins
- This is why people don’t do acrobatics at Denny’s.
Man Knocking Over Motorbike Gets a Kick to the Skull
- Yet another reason to wear a helmet.
Remembering When the Yankees Announcer Was Hit in the...
- Strike, you’re out!
Time Flies: 24 Undeniable Signs That You've Gotten Old
- Some signs of age are easy to spot, like gray hair and...
College Students Learn the Dangers of Flaming Shots
- You’ve gotta blow them out first!
Kid on Scooter Gets Sniped by Another Flying Scooter
- I guarantee no one learned any lessons from this.
Woman Walks in Front of Train, Gets Hit, But Walks...
- Look both ways before crossing the tracks!
Watch Every Car Screw Up This Roundabout
- And they say this is better than a normal intersection!
Woman Gets Knocked Down After Trying to Catch Suitcase
- I mean, she technically stopped it.
Every Single Go-Kart Misses Turn, Goes Sliding
- You’d think at least *one* of them would know how to...
Dude Gets Suplexed By a Horse
- This is why some people don’t like horseback riding.
Woman Flipping Off Other Drivers Gets Instant Karma
- Road rage doesn’t pay.
Dude Learns Hard Lesson Playing ‘Revolving Door...
- Just use the doors for entering and exiting next time.
Bear Released Back Into the Wild Immediately Attacks...
- You brought him into this world, and now, he’s going...
Kid Rides Bike Directly Into Woman’s Rear
- Down she goes!
Man Violently Flips His Car, Somehow Walks Away Just...
- You might still want to go to the doctor, buddy.
Dude Tries to Launch Off Ramp, But the Ramp Isn’t...
- This is why you test the strength of your ramp...
Snowboarders Get Attacked by Wild Hog
- Bet that’s not a hazard you expected to see on the...
Woman Trips on Amazon Package, Accidentally Throws...
- That delivery didn’t go as planned.
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