10 Monsters More Magnificent Than Resident Evil's Lady Dimitrescu
Resident Evil VIII's Lady Dimitrescu has left tons of video game fans thirsty for the tall, voluptuous monster lady. However, if this is the first time a monster lady got you thirsty, we have good news: there are TONS of other monster girls you can choose from, too.
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Breath of Fire 4 introduced fans to Ursula, a gun-wielding hot head determined to help you blow away your adversaries. Ursula was raised by a military general after her village was completely obliterated. Ursula looks like a normal human -- albeit a particularly strong one who could kill you without a second thought -- save for her elongated fox ears and fox tail. Ursula is tough and a bit of a loner, but that sort of strength and aggressive personality might be a plus for many, many fans. -
Cala Maria is one of the various bosses in Cuphead whose soul needs to be collected. Of course, mermaids have always been erotic, beautiful figures, but Cala Maria pushes this to a whole new level. Undeniably, Cala is quite thicc, rocking her hips back and forth. For some, those tentacles on her head, which unravel the more damage she takes, might be part of the appeal. For the rest, it's a giant curvy mermaid lady. That's pretty much all you need to know. -
People are impressed by how tall Lady Dimitrescu is? Yawn. Medusa from Kid Icarus Uprising makes her look shrimpy. As a former ruler of Angel Land, only to become one of Hades's pawns, Medusa is undeniably a force of pure evil. Looking upon her might turn you into a stone statue, but, for some, that danger of immediate death is part of the appeal. She undergoes numerous transformations, some more sultry and others more monstrous. However, as long as we ignore her more orkish appearances in the original Kid Icarus, all of them are quite beautiful. -
Lua from Coffee Talk is a succubus, but, given the indie game's more laidback, down-to-earth style, this really doesn't make her particularly threatening or scary. Coffee Talk is a game where you work at a cafe, helping people out with their social problems. Lua's problem is she is dating an elf named Baileys. The two are worried their families won't approve of their relationship. You really hope these sweethearts will get together and find happiness. In the meanwhile, you get to serve coffee to a beautiful succubus. -
Bayonetta's Joys are high-ranking Angels that look pretty much like something out of a Clive Barker film. These angels are not confined to any one physical form, so they choose to look as sexy and voluptuous as possible. They are by far some of the most erotic figures in the game, defined by their strange, haunting appearances...and rather prominent breasts. -
Of all the sexy monster women on this list, Jenova from Final Fantasy VII might truly be the most dangerous of them all. She is an alien presence who travels to planets, eradicates all life upon it, turns the planet into a makeshift ship, then travels to the next world. She is arguably the secondary antagonist of the game, as literally everything that goes wrong is Jenova's fault. Still, before Sephiroth cuts her head off and turns her into multiple monstrous adversaries for the party, Jenova's undeniably beautiful in a haunting way. -
Another Final Fantasy villain, this time from the third game, the Cloud of Darkness is a personification of all that is foul and evil in the world. She's a force of cosmic nature, and she looks...undeniably beautiful. Yes, you can look upon the personification of evil and feel conflicted. Unlike a lot of these monster girls, she's almost as thirsty as you might be looking upon her. Of course, it should be noted that the Cloud of Darkness isn't really a "she." She's more of a "we," in that she's literally an infusion of millions of evil thoughts and desires. If you're alright with that, though, go for it. -
Sheeva from Mortal Kombat is a savage fighter capable of unleashing incredible harm. However, since her debut in Mortal Kombat 3, a lot of players have imagined how it might feel if she takes you by the throat in one of those big hands, holds you over her head, and demands you submit to her or else feel three other fists pierce your abdomen. If you like strong women who can crush you like a bug, you can't do better than Sheeva. -
Lilith has undergone many forms in the Shin Megami Tensei series, with some being far more grotesque and insect-like than others. However, her classic form is that of a beautiful woman draped in the snake that tempted Adam and Eve in Eden. Sure, she is a cosmic entity who can leave you dead in twenty different ways if she wanted to, but it's undeniable that she's that kind of dangerous erotic figure you can't help but gaze upon. -
Was there any doubt that Morrigan Aensland, one of the first erotic video game monsters, would be Lady Dimitrescu's primary competition for the title of sexiest monster lady in video games? Morrigan is the heir to the Demon World's throne, but she's not above going out for the human world for a drink of human sexuality. Morrigan ensures your last moments are a good time as one of the most iconic succubuses ever.Need proof of Morrigan's sexiness? Darkstalkers 3 -- the last game in the franchise -- came out in 1998, and yet she's STILL appearing in Capcom games, just showing up. People just cannot get enough of this sexy succubus. Fact is, Morrigan might even appear in Resident Evil VIII. Darkstalkers appeared in the recent remake of Resident Evil 3, so there's a distinct possibility she might cameo there in some way. If that's the case, you might not sure who you're gonna SIMP for more.
- 10 Dumb Quotes From Otherwise Great Games
Breath of Fire 4 introduced fans to Ursula, a gun-wielding hot head determined to help you blow away your adversaries. Ursula was raised by a military general after her village was completely obliterated. Ursula looks like a normal human -- albeit a particularly strong one who could kill you without a second thought -- save for her elongated fox ears and fox tail. Ursula is tough and a bit of a loner, but that sort of strength and aggressive personality might be a plus for many, many fans.