Ten Skin Crawling Moments From Silent Hill
Silent Hill is one of the most nightmarish and scary video game series ever created. Every scene leaves the player with a sense of dread and horror. However, some scenes stand out more than others. These are those scenes.
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Scarlet might only be Silent Hill: Homecoming's second boss, but this grotesque monstrosity is nothing short of pure nightmare fuel. Mannequins have a long history of being terrifying in this franchise -- more on them later -- but this doll-like, spider fiend comes with an extra level of disturbing. Scarlet was Dr. Fitch's daughter, who he sacrificed for the sake of the cultish Order. This monster is the manifestation of his guilt and regret, but, unlike many of the chaotic monsters, is capable of intelligence and strategy. She's not just scary. She's lethal. -
One of the most infamous scenes in the original Silent Hill is one of the most unsettling. You go to Midwich Elementary's bathrooms. In both bathrooms, something profoundly unsettling happens. In the first floor, you find a copse strung up in barbed wire, grotesque and rotting. On the second floor, you just hear someone crying. While the corpse is gruesome and, in the film adaptation, implied to be a pedophile, it's the crying that leaves you even more unsettled, because there remains no explanation for it. -
Silent Hill: Downpour is not a fondly remembered entry in the franchise, but its Boogeyman is a pretty unsettling figure. He's not a deep figure or particularly nuanced, but he remains pretty nightmarish. One of his most gruesome moments? He murders a child in front of you and drops the body at your feet. There's something gruesome about watching a child being murdered in front of you. -
Silent Hill 4: The Room is an unsettling game on several levels, but you always feel "safe" returning home, right? Returning to your apartment becomes an increasingly scary situation as you continue throughout the game, with that hole in the wall just leading to the truly nightmarish hellscape of Silent Hill. Worse still, looking out the peephole to the outside world becomes an increasingly scary situation. And...is that something else in your apartment? You need to manage the spirits who linger in there with you. -
Silent Hill 3's protagonist, Heather Mason, has a profound fear of mirrors. So, naturally, you know that you're going to have to see a mirror involved in a scary scene at some point. And you do, in a truly gruesome scene where you're stuck in a room with a mirror, watching the world in the mirror become increasingly bloody and distorted....only for that to bleed into your reality. It's a profoundly unsettling moment. -
Silent Hill 2's Woodside Apartment is a particularly creepy location. The narrow, dark hallways leave you unsure of what lies around every corner. While the location is infamous for a scene that deserves separate mention, there are some small moments that are profoundly terrifying. The first appearance of the mannequin legs that spring up after you is truly scary. But they're far from the worst thing there. Round one corner, and you see a pyramid-headed fiend staring at you... -
...which leads to the second scene from Silent Hill 2's Woodside Apartment that deserves mention. Pyramid Head's first appearance is subtle, but his second appearance is a sledgehammer to the face. You walk into an apartment and just find Pyramid Head raping multiple mannequins. You hide, but Pyramid Head stops his sexual assault to search for you. It's a truly horrifying start to Pyramid Head's pursual of you, which stretches throughout the whole game. -
Mannequins of course aren't restricted to Silent Hill 2. In Silent Hill 3, one key scene brings Heather to the Store Front Poseables and its room filled with mannequins. The whole room is by default unsettling by its very nature, but you know it's building toward something. You see a mannequin in the center of the room, noticing how it's the only one with a head. Turn around -- SCREAM! Turn back? Something's ripped the head off the mannequin's shoulders. -
Eileen Galvin is a secondary protagonist in Silent Hill 4: The Room. Your actions in the game determine her ultimate fate. However, when looking back on Eileen, most fans don't remember her compelling arc or actions throughout the game, but that scene where you enter a room where her face sprouts from a wall, staring at you with unblinking, twitching eyes. The scariest part? Eileen doesn't seem to see it. At all. -
PT. Just...PT. This Playable Demo for the unmade Silent Hills is one of the most profoundly terrifying things the franchise has ever produced. All you do is descend down the same hallway, looping endlessly without any idea how long it's going to take. However, as you go, you find an increasing number of unsettling...things. From the lights changing to dangling coffins to women staring at you from down the hallway or above you to a talking fetus in the sink. PT is a profoundly nightmarish experience. Its cancellation turned an entire community against Konami.
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Scarlet might only be Silent Hill: Homecoming's second boss, but this grotesque monstrosity is nothing short of pure nightmare fuel. Mannequins have a long history of being terrifying in this franchise -- more on them later -- but this doll-like, spider fiend comes with an extra level of disturbing. Scarlet was Dr. Fitch's daughter, who he sacrificed for the sake of the cultish Order. This monster is the manifestation of his guilt and regret, but, unlike many of the chaotic monsters, is capable of intelligence and strategy. She's not just scary. She's lethal.