12 Twisted Games That Never Should Have Been Released
*Warning: Disturbing Themes* Sexual themes and violence are usually the parts of video games that are considered too offensive. But at times, it's the concept as a whole that is so poor in taste, which makes the whole game utterly vulgar. So let's look at some titles that never should have been released, because what the hell were these people thinking?
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Manhunt 1 & 2 - Rockstar Games isn't shy of using the most controversial topics and cultures and make a mockery out of them. But usually, it's done humorously and shouldn't be seen more than that. However, the Manhunt games are a whole different ballgame, allowing players to murder others in the most sadistic manner. This game can be titled Murder Simulator, and it wouldn't be wrong. The Manhunt was inaccurately connected to a murder in the UK and created numerous controversies around the globe. -
Hatred - When the game was first announced, it immediately received a lot of backlashes. The game's main plot forces the player to feel hatred towards human society and general existence, and the main objective of the game is to kill everyone on a spree. -
7 Sins - The concept of the game is pretty cool but poorly executed. The game is a life simulation title that revolves around the seven deadly sins. These are pride, wrath, greed, envy, lust, sloth, and gluttony. 7 Sins are all about rubbish mini-games built around in sensitive situations, ruining what could've been a great concept otherwise. -
Muslim Massacre - This is a 2008 amateur shoot-'em-up title, where the game's concept is to kill all the Muslims that appear on the screen. This game directly attacks religion and promotes hate while shedding out outdated gameplay that isn't worth a dime. -
School Shooter: North American Tour 2012 - If it isn't fairly obvious from the name, this 2012 first-person shooter is all about shooting in a school. The game rewards the player for killing defenseless students and teachers while collecting points—the worst part about this game is the insensitive and poor plot. -
Playing History 2 - Slave Trade - What seems like an educational title is an un-needed game. The game involves educating people on the concept of slave trading, and it disturbingly does that. One of the modes in-game asks players to fit slaves on a boat like Tetris. This is something not needed. -
Fight of Gods - The Taiwanese indie fighting game was released in 2017. This one is controversial is because it's a fighting game based on gods and religions. It features playable Buddha, Santa Claus, and Jesus. Fight of Gods was banned in Malaysia and Singapore and certainly wasn't worth the expense of hurting someone's faith. -
Ethnic Cleansing - Ethnic Cleansing was released in 2002 and was created by the white supremacist and hate organization National Alliance. The game tasks players to kill people from different races, such as African, Mexican, and Jewish. The incredibly racist nature of this game got it what it deserved, and it was soon banned. The game is currently banned from streaming sites such as Twitch. -
Rapelay - You know, when the game's title has the word "Rape" in it, it's not going to be a particularly normal game. Rapelay is created by Illusion Soft, who is known for building Eroge games. But it's the flawed concept that makes this one stand out. The game allows the players to rape a mother and her two daughters throughout the game. Seriously, why was this even made? -
Kaboom! - The Suicide Bomber Game, also titled Kaboom!, is a flash game developed by fabulous999. Kaboom! was incredibly violent and was based around a topic that should not have been made into a game. -
Laden VS the USA - This is the worst type of game that uses the images from the 9/11 incident on its packaging. Why is this one vulgar? It is pretty much self-explanatory. Moreover, the game seems like a cheap cash grab done to exploit the incident. -
Super Columbine Massacre RPG - A role-playing title that lets the player experience the 1999 Columbine High School shootings near Littleton, Colorado. Players play as gunmen Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold could only be defined as an offensive game made in poor taste.
- Influencers Got Caught Fake Flying On Private Jets
Manhunt 1 & 2 - Rockstar Games isn't shy of using the most controversial topics and cultures and make a mockery out of them. But usually, it's done humorously and shouldn't be seen more than that. However, the Manhunt games are a whole different ballgame, allowing players to murder others in the most sadistic manner. This game can be titled Murder Simulator, and it wouldn't be wrong. The Manhunt was inaccurately connected to a murder in the UK and created numerous controversies around the globe.