19 Photos of Food Cringe to Whet Your Appetite
Welcome to Guy Fieri's secret cookbook.
Published 4 years ago
Remember that kid in middle school who would try to shock everyone by mixing up gross food combinations and eating them at the lunch table? Sour cream and onion Pringles dipped in chocolate milk? Or ranch dressing drizzled on Oreos? Well those people have unfortunately grown up and they continue to plague humankind with food mashups that should never be. Only one or two of these are funny photoshops. The rest of them are real creations people not only had the guts to imagine, but bring to life and share with the rest of the world. Some of the hot dog ones really went too far. Although a few new flavor ideas here might not be that bad. Flamin' Hot Cheetos go good on just about anything, so who's to say they wouldn't be tasty on a Pop Tart? If you've had enough of this B.S. then just click here already.