20 Crazy Thing People Overheard on Planes
Flying can be a wild experience, for a plethora of reasons.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Planes are usually cramped and smelly and it can sometimes be exhausting to fly. You have to sit in close proximity to others and sometimes you hear the weirdest stuff. Over at r/AskReddit, we found the craziest stories of people saying strange, funny and wild stuff to themselves or others.
Nothing too crazy. A couple in their 50's who were all over each other (like tongues in ears, hands in pants etc). They were busy working out the logistics of their next getaway. They were both cheating on their partners and laughing at how gullible their SO's were believing another "business trip" would come up so soon. u/Running_zombie_11
Not so much what he said, but I sat next to this fully grown man that was playing plants vs zombies the whole 3 hour flight with incredible enthusiasm. Everytime a plant got eaten or he killed a difficult zombie he'd jump in his seat, pump his fist and aggressively whisper yeerrsss, YEERRSSS, gert em yessss.... u/DeousPascitCorvos14
Not that “crazy” as such but when literally about to touch down, a lady got up and started walking urgently towards the bathroom. The cabin crew immediately started saying “Madam! We’re about to land! You have to sit down!” The lady responded by screaming in a panic “I’M GONNA S**T ME-SELF!!!” They allowed her to continue. u/ChangingMonkfish15
I was flying alone and this little girl (maybe 5) wandered down the aisle and said hello. I asked where her parents were and she said they died and a police officer was flying with her to take her to her aunt. My brain was not able to conjure any response at all apart from " errr.... sorry" she asked if she could look out my window so I moved over to the aisle seat and let her, me continuously looking for a cop that she might be travelling with. She then told me how her parents were driving back from a party last week and their car got pushed off the road by a truck into a tree. She was quietly crying while telling me this story. Suddenly I hear "oh there you are" from the aisle. There's a woman standing there. The girl says "hello mommy" and leaves with her. u/Soopercow16
I was flying solo into Orlando. The woman next to me was so excited about her new boyfriends boat and was going on and on about how excited she was for this trip. I nodded and put my headphones in and about 1 minute later, she grabbed the cord on my headphone and pulled it out of my ear so she could blather on about it... u/_joeBone_18
Everyone is boarded and the plane is in the middle of the taxi when a kid about 10 seats up and on the left side (I was on right side) starts crying and screaming at the top of his lungs "I NEED TO P** P" and "I'M GOING TO P**P" over and over again until the seatbelt signs came off. I've never seen so many worried faces and the look of panic as the mother picked up the kid and bolted to the toilet. u/cmcorms19
I am a pilot for a major airline. Decades ago I was running for a deadhead flight home and managed to snag the last seat. A mother and young daughter were seated next to me. Halfway through the flight the mother, seeing my disheveled look after flying all day, asked if I wanted her daughters PB&J sandwich that she wasn’t going to eat. I politely declined, but she insisted. That was the best Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich I’d ever had! u/Delicious_Ad820120
There was this kid was behind me that kept telling her dad she lost her tooth and the dad was disgruntledly trying to find it, and some guy nearby said “hey kid, I hear if you lose your tooth on a plane, the tooth fairy gives you 50 bucks” to which the dad replied, “hey look sweetie, the tooth fairy decided to sit next to us on the plane!” u/monkeysolo69420