20 Subtle Adult References in Kids Films
While Disney cartoons and Pixar movies may be for kids, the people making them are grown-ups who like hiding some jokes for the other adults in the crowd.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
While things like Disney cartoons or Pixar movies may be for kids, the people making them are veteran artists. So sometimes, they go ahead and do what many adults do, that is, sneaking in adult jokes in the most creative way possible.
"There is that one scene from Ratatouille, when Linguini is about to confess about how Remy is in his hat cooking for him, and says "I... have... a little... tiny..." and right after he says tiny, Collette quickly glances down at his pants. I never even noticed it until someone pointed it out to me because it is pretty subtle and can be easy to miss." - -noobmaster68-11
"In Spider-Man: Homecoming. There’s a short montage of Ned asking Peter lots of questions after finding out he’s Spider-Man. He asks how far Peter can shoot his webs and adds “If I were you, I’d stand on top of a building and just shoot it as far as I could.” And a girl sitting behind them in class turns around with a disgusted look on her face." - Infamous-Lunch649616
"There's this scene in Kung Fu Panda 3 in the Panda village when of the baby pandas finds Po's dad fascinating (as he is not a fellow panda) and starts asking him what his body parts are, What's that?" "My wing!" What's that?" "My beak!" What's that?" (pointing to his crotch area) "My dumplings!" (pauses and pulls out an actual bowl of dumplings)" - thanosd0ng