20 Dumbest Things People Have Ever Done While Intoxicated
Most of the time people say that drinking, smoking, or doing drugs can be extremely deadly. But who knew that they could make you equally as stupid on occasion.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
Most of the time people say that drinking, smoking, or doing drugs can be extremely deadly. But who knew that they could make you equally as stupid on occasion.
Here are some personal stories and experiences from people who had done the dumbest stuff under the influence.
I convinced myself that I could really walk and it was just mind over matter, and despite my boyfriend and friends telling me not to, I rose up from my wheelchair and promptly fell under the pub table. I was covered in bruises, and I had a sore rear-end for days. My boyfriend and his best mate had to retrieve me from under the table. - Blackcat12064
Not dumbest but laziest. I microwaved something and when I opened the door to get it, because it wasn't centered on the turning plate, it was a bit further from the door. So I closed it and restarted the microwave another 5 seconds to get it closer to me so I didn't have to reach so far back to get it. - Mathinpozani6
One night I go in the backyard to get high. I leave the backyard lights off so that my older neighbors can’t see what I’m doing cause I’m immature like that lol. I got a glass of ice water in one hand and I stepped into my pitch black backyard.
Every time I move I hear a sound like there is an animal stalking me in the many bushes in my backyard. Whenever I stop the sound stops but once I start moving again it sounds to me like the leaves in the bushes in our backyard are rustling and there is an animal in them. If I try to go back toward my back door the sound follows me. If I move further into the backyard the sound follows me.
I am legit freaking out thinking there is a big animal stalking me in my backyard. Turns out it was just the ice in my drink clinking every time I moved. I never felt so stupid in my life. - Scarlaymama07218
Needed to go into the gas station to get another dutch. Noticed for whatever reason my best friend's boyfriend had a full chicken costume in the backseat. I decided it would be funny to wear JUST the mask into the gas station. Didn't realize how bad I f**ked up til the girl at the register started screaming for the guy in the back room. They had just been robbed 2 weeks prior. - hippiesoul0310
Once I was eating a burrito like a ravenous beast and straight up bit my own finger. Another time I was gaming and my hands were cold, as I can get bad circulation. Well I sat there thinking “man it would be great if they made socks, but for your hands” and thought I had a great idea. 10 seconds go by and then “Oh yeah, gloves!” Had a good laugh at myself for that one. - Poxalox15
I got super blazed one night near the beginning of pandemic lockdown, and went across the street to the drugstore to get some chips and such. As I approached the automatic glass doors I saw a person standing on the other side, so I waited for them to come through. I stood there waiting for what felt like an eternity. I was getting frustrated, like “what’s up with this clown? Can't they see I’m waiting for them?” Then i realized it was just my reflection. - hemingward16
This one time I was in front of my TV watching "comedians in cars getting coffee." I had my bong on the coffee table between me and the TV. I am seeing Jerry Seinfeld driving someone in new York and suddenly I can see a cop car joining their lane behind them. I quietly and slowly took the bong down on the floor so the cops can't see it. - osvalds1