20 Ground Rules for Boob-Watching from the Women Folk Themselves
Clarifying cleavage.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
It can be hard, sometimes, navigating a world where you're severely outnumbered by boobs. When is it okay to look? Is it ever okay to look? Does sneaking a peak make you a creep or is it a perfect natural, oftentimes subconscious reaction to quality boobage? Is a low-cut dress a license to gaze? It's complicated. Boobs are surprisingly complicated.
If only there was a guide to boob-gazing, signed off on by women themselves that could help de-mystify the etiquette to boob-sight. To shuck away the surprising amount of cognitive dissonance that can accompany the most salient of lady parts.
If only there was a guide to boob-gazing, signed off on by women themselves that could help de-mystify the etiquette to boob-sight. To shuck away the surprising amount of cognitive dissonance that can accompany the most salient of lady parts.
If it’s a quick glance, it’s fine. That’s normal and feels mostly involuntary on behalf of the person looking. I notice but it doesn’t bother me.
If they stare at my boobs while other people are talking—or worse, while I’m talking—that makes me uncomfortable.
Fortunately, I’ve experienced glancing a lot more frequently than staring.
- TheDiplocrap3
When women wear graphic t shirts with writing on their chest I’m always hesitant to read it because I don’t want to look like a jackass.
- Chythonic
I can tell when someone is reading my shirt versus just staring at my boobs. I don’t mind people stopping and taking a good look at the text, I know it’s hard to read, I’ll even turn and fully face them so they can read it properly. I don’t mind this at all, if I’m going to slap a message on my tits I’m doing it cause I want people to read the message. No biggie!
In fact asking a woman “what does your shirt say” is a really good way to break the ice.
I’ve seen multiple people mention feeling uncomfortable reading name tags. It’s always okay to read name tags! They’re literally there to be read. I’ve seen some women put their name tags on their upper sleeve if they felt uncomfortable with drawing attention to their left tit so in that instance you’ll know a woman doesn’t want you staring at her chest. If you’re really uncomfortable with reading a name tag that’s okay, just introduce yourself and then ask their name.
- BurstOrange5
If someone glances then looks away, all is good. Sometimes it's involuntary and sometimes I purposely wear a top that makes me boobs look good so don't mind at all.
If someone is really weird and creepily staring at them, is definitely call them out for making me uncomfortable!
- Intrigued_Alpaca_936
It depends. If I feel like it’s taking away from someone’s engagement in a conversation with me it’ll bug me, particularly if I think what I’m talking about is interesting or thought it would interest them in particular. If they’re still just as-or hopefully more-focused on the content of the conversation, I don’t care or mind.
Basically if it seems like the value of my attractiveness is superseding the value of my intellect or personality in the other’s perception, that’s annoying and I will probably judge that person (perhaps unless I’m talking about like, some truly heinously boring shit)
- STEMfatale17
If that's all they're focused on then it's a problem, like my eyes are up here and we're talking. Come on. WTF is wrong with you. But sneaking glances or whatever doesn't bug me. I fully admit I've done it when talking to girls, will just flick my eyes down for a second and get a glance. But don't stare. Never stare. That's one of the more uncomfortable things anybody can do imo. Same with looking at a butt. Get a glance, don't stare.
We're all human and size one another up. It's just the way we're wired.
- Jennyferr041219
I am an ex hair stylist and when I would cut mens hair and would be standing in front of them cutting bangs or something of that nature I could just feel their eyes burning a hole into my chest.
I did have one guy tell me straight up on the middle of our conversation “I’m looking at your cleavage” and he did this weird chuckle. I had no words. He tipped well though
- Soggy_Physics452