There are many "facts," that have been proven false over the years. Here are some
lies and fake facts from
AskReddit that people somehow still believe are true, despite the evidence to the contrary.
Touching a baby bird will make its parents reject it.
That cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.
Shaving making hair grow in thicker.
MLMs, and ‘be your own boss’ scams. I'm not sure how many documentaries need to be put on YouTube before people will stop buying into these companies and wasting their money.
Blood in your veins is blue and red in your arteries. Literally every elementary school teacher I had kept this lie going.
We only use 10% of our brain.
That people are “right” or “left” brained thinkers, and that it has any bearing on their personality and level of logic or creativity.
Detox. What do you think your liver and kidneys are doing all day? If they weren’t working you would be on a form of detox called dialysis.
That MSG is bad for you. I meet people regularly that think it's a super insta-cancer ingredient that will cause you to die or something based on 80s/90s false scares. Then I tell them, "you do know it naturally occurs on tomatoes, yes?"
That dog mouths are cleaner than humans!
The earth being flat. We have literally gone to space, taken pictures, boiled all of it down to the level a kindergartener can understand, and some idiots still don't get it.
Personal carbon footprint or any green initiative which focuses on individual action. BP invented the entire concept during a marketing push to hide the fact that like 72 companies produce 90% of pollution.
If you pull out a gray hair, three more grow in its place. My sister still believes this one.
Professional fighters don't actually have to register their hands as weapons. No body part can be registered as a weapon.
That NASA spent tons of money developing a pen to work in space and the Russians just used a pencil.
That it’s illegal to keep the light on in the car while driving.
That cold weather can give you a cold.
That you swallow 8 spiders a year in your sleep.
People putting needles, poison, or drugs in Halloween candy.
Wolf hierarchy with alpha on top and omega at the bottom. The author of the original paper has been on a thirty-year crusade to make people forget he ever wrote it. The following year he published a correction.