22 Fascinating Fan Theories That are Basically Canon
These make way too much sense
Published 7 months ago in Ftw
Fan theories have been around since the dawn of fandom. Most of the time, these theories are just a fun way to kill time. Some theories are so good, though, we consider them to be canon. And here are just a few of our faves!
Admiral Ozzel in the Empire Strikes Back is a rebel spy. He does everything possible to deflect suspicion from Hoth, first by trying to prevent Piett from reporting the finding to Vader, and then by trying to deflect suspicion to smugglers once Vader overhears.Then, once Vader has made up his mind to attack the rebel base, Ozzel "goofs up" the hyperspace jump, alerting the rebels to the Imperial fleet and giving them time they otherwise would not have had to evacuate the base. Everything he does is either hilariously incompetent, even by imperial standards, or perfectly designed to give the rebels the best possible chance to survive."Clumsy as he is stupid" or an agent who sacrificed his life to give the rebellion a chance? You decide.8
The scientific inaccuracies in Jurassic Park are a direct consequence of Hammond's engineering - he needed marketable commodities, not real animals.He's also been feeding inaccurate information that's reflective of the animals in his park to the paleontology community to sell them better, which is why Alan parrots some of the inaccuracies. Hammond is directly funding his and probably many other paleontological efforts, after all, eventually, you stop asking questions. Hammond was already a hugely irresponsible fool in the original film, but following this theory, he's running a straight-up paleontological cabal.9
King Of The Hill: Dale is in fact under federal surveillance.In the final episode, we learn that Boomhaer is a federal marshal. There is a theory that Dale was just wacko enough for the feds to notice, and they looked for, and found, a marshal who had known him from boyhood. It is more or less his job to monitor Dale. Since Dale isn't really dangerous, Boomhauers job is very easy. It's why we never really see him work, he just drinks beer with Dale, files reports weekly, and has plenty of time to chase women.11
That Batman's plans to take out all the Justice League members in case they 'go rogue' isn't just about in case we get yet another Superman goes fascist story; its a long term fail-safe for future generations in case the speedster or Kryptonian 5 generations down the line when the original leaguers are all dead isn't as nice as the originals.14
Frank Reynolds is dying, and he's aware of it.Starting with the funeral of his ex-wife where he's smoking weed and drinking harder than normal. I say harder than normal because when you re-watch "the gang beats Boggs," he can't drink at a rate like the gang does, it's why he does drugs. Anyway, during that intervention episode, Frank becomes aware of his own mortality declaring "I only got a few years left, I'm gonna get real weird with it."Later on in like season 10 or so, we get an episode "Being Frank" shot from Franks's perspective. Part of it, he falls unconscious and wakes up in a hospital. The doctor who greets him immediately says 'Thank goodness we found it in time so we can treat it.'Frank has a brain tumor, which explains his rapidly increasing degeneracy, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and overall demeanor.16
Ewoks are a hive mind like ants or termites, possibly using pheromones to communicate, which is how they are able to rapidly develop effective defenses against the Imperial ground forces.Since the Imperials had only encountered Ewoks before in single scouts and small handfuls, they never had cause to figure this out. The Ewoks just avoided crossing into the outpost perimeter.17
In Toy Story, Andy's dad got Woody from a special promotion in cereal boxes that was stopped early because the show was canceled. That's why he's so rare and doesn't know his own backstory. Woody doesn't remember Andy's dad as a past owner because his name is also Andy and his kid looks a lot like him.