24 Memes That Became One With The Dankness
Enjoy a nice assortment of hand-picked memes sure to brighten up your day.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
As we head into another work week, facing at all the burdens life has mercilessly thrown upon our shoulders, it's critical that we remember what drives human perseverance and aspiration: dank memes, freshly derived from the internet's never-ending pool of dankness.
This next batch of memes was gathered from the very top of the internet, distilled into the dank goop you see before you, and prepared (hastily) for human consumption. Beware that s ome memes are danker than others; their individual level of dankness and the specific type of dankness they represent serve as a kind of mirror for our own society, a diagnostic reading of how dank we ourselves are.
So take pleasure in them, and think about the dankness from which they came — the dankness at the core of your being. And believe me when I say there's always more dankness around the corner.
This next batch of memes was gathered from the very top of the internet, distilled into the dank goop you see before you, and prepared (hastily) for human consumption. Beware that s ome memes are danker than others; their individual level of dankness and the specific type of dankness they represent serve as a kind of mirror for our own society, a diagnostic reading of how dank we ourselves are.
So take pleasure in them, and think about the dankness from which they came — the dankness at the core of your being. And believe me when I say there's always more dankness around the corner.