24 Insane Before/Afters of Recovered Addicts
Recovery is an incredibly hard battle that many brave people fight to better themselves.
Published 3 years ago in Feels
Drug addiction is a scourge that too few of its victims manage to defeat. Luckily, these people managed to find the strength to shuck out their demons and live the lives they truly wanted, sharing their stories on The Addicts Diary to help inspire others and give them the push they need to take back their lives.
I’m Mariana, 26, the before pic was when I was still injecting myself with up to a gram and a half of heroin and meth every single day. I spent two years this way. Two. The before pic was taken 300 days ago. Look at what 300 days clean has done for me now. Sobriety is absolutely hard, emotional, Lonely, exhausting physically and mentally draining and absolutely pushes you to limits you never knew you had. You will want to give up every second of every day, you will face your demons head on, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. And You know what? Every single moment is fucking worth it, when for the first time in so long you get to see and feel the beauty of life again, you get to see and feel the beauty of YOU again. I promise. If you are struggling, Please don’t give up. Take it one day at a time. That’s all. Just know that there truly is greener grass, but it only gets greener once you start and continue maintaining it properly everyday. You got this. We got this.2
I was in active addiction for about 9 years. It all started with pills and eventually led to heroin and meth. I started using pills when I was 18 and started dating a guy who I thought was so cool. Little did I know what I was getting myself into, and the road I would go down for many years. I started doing heroin and meth at about 20. It took everything from me, my family, my soul, my livelihood, my decisions, my care in the world, my first born child, everything. You name it I lost it. Ended up on the streets about 2 years into it all. I was in and out of jail and eventually went to prison. Prison saved my life and I came out a whole new person. I kept to myself and my family never contacted the people from my old life or even made new friends. I stuck to the real people that had my back and boy do you realize who those people are quickly. Today I have almost 5 years sober, a beautiful home, car, job, and most important a loving husband and beautiful little boy. If I can change, you can do it, it just takes time and patience. Life is so much better when you’re not constantly chasing your next fix. Normal life that I never loved before is what I love the most today. I am not embarrassed by my story and will tell anyone, that story is what made me who I am today.5
My name Marilyn and I’m an addict. I struggled with crack cocaine addiction for most of my life. I have been in and out of institutions, jails, and prisons. I’ve been a prostitute. I’ve left my children. I stole from my family. On February 23, 2018 I lost my son. Then I lost myself.He was brutally murdered and I lost myself. For 33 years I just wanted one more hit. For 33 years it was always, “I’ll get help tomorrow.” On March 23, 2021 I finally had enough and went into treatment. I could not take the pain of degrading myself one more second. I surrendered and gave it all to God. Today, I allow him to lead and guide me. Today, I live in a sober living environment. Today, I work the steps. Today, I have a sponsor and I talk about my problems. Today, I live life on life’s terms without the use of drugs. Today, I am 124 days clean.6
So I imagine my story starts like most of yours. It went from alchohol to weed. From weed to coke. From coke to pills, until finally from pills to dope. The picture on the left is from my first time going to treatment in 2017. I was 123 lbs and very, very close to death. The picture on the right was last weekend at my nieces 4th birthday party. Today, I have almost 6 months clean and have never felt better. If there’s anything I want someone to get from this it’s that you’re not alone, and it undoubtedly gets 1000x better.7
10 YEARS CLEAN. One whole decade. Wow I can actually say I’m super proud of myself for this one. Not only does that sound like a really long time but I just really wasn’t sure if I would make it to this point. This year was one of the hardest years to say the least. There were nights when I would sit up alone wondering what I was even doing anymore. Why I even bother. And instead of giving up I decided I was worthy of this. I had do dig deep. I had to accept things for how they were and for the first time I ever I decided to do anything and everything I had to do to learn to love myself and build a real relationship with a higher power. I sought outside help so I could truly heal from my demons. I started to REALLY pray. And everyday I wake up and truly surrender. THANK YOU GOD FOR ANOTHER FREAKIN YEAR OF LIFE AND FREEDOM.8
My name is Brett, I was in my addiction for over 12 years! I’ve lost friends, family and myself in my addiction! I lost a lot, I was homeless, my wife left me, I wasn’t able to see my daughter no one in the family wanted nothing to do with me until I got help! Now today makes 1 year clean, I now today own a truck, I’m in the process of buying a house I got my daughter back and my ex wife is one of biggest supporters now she’s been there for me through everything and we currently have an awesome relationship as friends! We can recover I’m living proof!9
My father died due to a drunk driver when I was 8 years old and my life changed in an instant . Later in life I became that intoxicated driver , addicted to Xanax and pills. I lost custody of my daughter and went to jail & rehabs. I totaled 9 cars during that awful time . I got custody back of my daughter in March of 2018 and then dated another abusive addict and gave birth to my son in October of 2018. I stayed sober through all of that and I’m now a proud single mother to 2 heathy kids!10
For 14 years I let heroin addiction take my life from me. I was homeless, jobless, doing whatever it took to get High, on the fast track to death or prison. I tried countless times to get sober and repeatedly failed. The last time I got arrested I weighed 125lbs and knew I had to make a decision. Something finally clicked in my head and I decided it was time to take my life back. Today I can say that I am grateful to be sober and I will never look back. I finally have the life I’ve always wanted. We can recover. When you want to give up try one more time. That might just be the time that saves your life.12
I celebrated my first 365 ever yesterday! I have literally been trying for over four years to get a a year of continuous sobriety. This past year, I’ve paid off my debt, saved money, bought a car, and got my own place. These things haven’t kept me sober but the peace and serenity that I’ve found has. This next year I have new goals… I want to enjoy life to the fullest, take walks, hang out more with friends and family, read books, practice meditation, get a sponsee through the steps, etc etc. My goal is to stop and smell the roses and find gratitude in the little things. I want to remember each day how good life is now!13
How about that for motivation? I honestly thought I’d die on a park bench with a needle in my arm or by gunshot to the head. I would’ve never in a million years thought my life would look the way it does today. Stop selling yourself short. You don’t know what tomorrow might bring so you might consider starting today.14
My story isn’t uncommon. Several surgeries led to a raging opiate pain medication addiction that ruled my world for 12 years. I watched my entire life burn to the ground around me and everything I loved disappear. I wanted to get clean but couldn’t stand the withdrawal. It took over a decade to realize that I could get clean, I just couldn’t get clean and be comfortable at the same time. 2/23/2016 was the last time I used opiates. There’s so much happiness in sobriety. Much love.15
My before picture is from 4 years ago while heavily addicted to heroin. I had tracks down my neck and I think it is safe to say I was a walking corpse. I nearly lost my life a few times throughout the years of my use. I never wanted to die, I simply had no power over whether I was going to use that day, the drug was always winning and I never believed I could one day live without it. Today, I am winning. I can look back and say to myself “hey, look what you overcame, you’re a fighter.” I am proud to call myself sober.17
Wow, what a difference a year can make! I struggled with my drug addiction for 16 years until I finally hit a bottom hard enough that it brought me to my knees. It was then that I was able to completely surrender and get my life back on track. I was addicted to multiple substances and had lost relationships with everyone of friends and family. Thanks to my higher power I have earned most of them back. I want everyone to know that if I can do this so can you. If you are reading this DO NOT give up on yourself! No one is too far gone. We DO recover.18
My name is Nick and I am an addict. I spent a long time trapped inside the cage of addiction and I never thought I would be able to pull myself out. I was hopeless, broke, lonely and sometimes homeless. I lost everything to this disease. My father committed suicide a year and a half ago and after that I didn’t want to live anymore. After I lost my dad I just kept losing and losing until I had nothing left to lose. I was beaten down, weak and desperate for a better life. I left my life in NJ behind and started a new one in South Florida. Next week I’ll have a year sober. Today I have my family back in my life, my nieces and nephews who are so happy I’m doing better, a sober woman who loves me, a great career doing what I love and most of all i am sober, and happy. Recovery is possible though the steps, hard work and dedication. If you are struggling and think there is no way out, just take a look at me, there is hope and there is a way out. Sobriety was the best thing I could ever do for myself.19
For 15 years all I cared about was getting high. I I lost custody of my children, was arrested, and found myself homeless in the end. After many failed attempts at treatment in 2016 something stuck. Today makes 5 years clean for me! Recovery has given me the opportunity to go from a heroin addict to a productive member of society working in healthcare.20
Hi, my names Adam and I’m an addict. Last Christmas life had beaten me down to the point that I attempted suicide. I thought it was my only way out, but it wasn’t. Two months ago my journey took me to a treatment center. I’m proud to say that not only am I feeling much better but today I have two months clean.21
The first picture of me is in November 2017 this picture is a direct result of addiction, self hate, domestic violence and so much more. I destroyed communities and families globally with the choices that I made. The second picture is of me today June 2021 in my office at work doing things I never thought imaginable. It may have taken me many years to break the cycle and get clean but I’m doing it. Don’t get me wrong I struggle and life is fucking messy but my worst day now will never compare to my worst day on the streets. Don’t ever tell me change isn’t possible change your world and your world will change.22
Hi my name is Lorenzo and I was addicted to meth as a teenager. I was 15 years old on the needle and my family didn’t talk to me. I got sober on my own at 17 years old. Today, I’m almost 2 years clean and this might sound selfish but I just wanna hear “good job” sometimes I want to help kids just like me!23
I’ve struggled with addiction my entire life. At twelve years old I had my first drink. Fast forward to my late 20s, and I’m doing heroin & meth. Today, June 15th 2021, marks one whole year sober. I’ll never forget, while in active addiction, seeing posts and thinking “I want what these people have. But how?” I yearned for it so badly but didn’t know how to go and get it. Courage, willingness, honesty. Seeing you post so many before and after photos; the sad, hopeless me, wanted to find that light that I saw so many others getting. I’m not quite sure how I got here, god actually, but it’s pretty mind blowing. We as addicts in recovery get to live two lives in one. What a gift, a blessing. I have a sense of peace and serenity inside of me that I’ve never had before or even knew existed. Life’s pretty okay. I want every alcoholic/addict to have what I have, what so many of us have. What an impact you’ve had on me Kevin.24
Hey my name is David and I’m an addict. I became addicted to Meth at the age of 19 and it drove my life into the ground. I lost a lot of friends due to my addiction and put stress on my family that never should of been. Climbing out of the hole I dug myself was a struggle but the reward of recovery has been amazing. The Addict’s Diary helped me see that life isn’t always easy but giving up is never an option. I have 3 years clean now!