
26 People Share Their Lowest Stakes Conspiracy Theories

Believing in conspiracy theories is typically frowned upon in civilized society. As participating members of said society, it is in our best interests to believe that most of what we're told and what we see is real, otherwise things could get out of hand quickly. But not believing in any conspiracy theories might be suspect too. As the comedian Ron Funches stated in one of his standup specials, "You just think the government is batting 1.000 and telling us the whole truth?" 

In the spirit of this thought, @MNateShyamalan posed the question to Twitter. "What’s the lowest stakes conspiracy theory you have?" Just like in Funches' bit, Nate doubted the necessity of putting your cell phone on an airplane phone before a flight. According to an article from GIZMODO shared in the thread, signals from your cell phone haven't been a risk to planes for over 20 years, if they ever even were. But airlines still ask that passengers switch off their phones in an effort to decrease air-rage incidents. Without the ability to receive any bad news for the duration of the flight, you're less likely to freak out on a flight attendant. 

Well, that's one low-stakes conspiracy theory that is actually true. Do you think any of the others in this gallery might be?

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