Sometimes in life, things have a tendency to really get out of hand, really fast. A good day can be turned upside down in an instant, with little to no warning. Even a bad day can go from bad to worse and make you wonder if the universe is out to get you. So have a laugh at some people who experiencing the unpredictability of life.
“I paid 515 CHF (560 USD) for this dye job.”
“My Batman Oreos are batman’t.”
“My dad never turns off any lights in the house even after he’s gone to bed.”
“This Mustang keeps parking in the only working electric spot – we reported it and the complex said they reached out to tell them to move. We put two cones down in the spot, left for a few hours, and came back to see they moved the cones and parked right back in the spot.”
“Not what I meant by cut in half :(”
“I understand why orange juice is so expensive now. This was from 2 oranges.”
“Smoke holder is overflowing on ten or loose nine.”
“These 2 spent 25 min standing in this empty spot, in a busy and crowded downtown. At least 10 other cars made attempts and they refused to budge. No other spots for several blocks.”