34 Celebrities Being Too Horny for Their Own Good
Social media brings out the strange in everyone.
Published 4 years ago in Wtf
Celebrities tend to live in their own odd little worlds. But every now and then they peek their heads out to say something totally bizarre to prove that they're even weirder than we imagined. Social media sites are now the go-to place for these kind of off-kilter quotes and unintended comedy. We no longer need celebrity profiles or interviews. Just one WTF quote a year will suffice. Sometimes it's hard to tell if the celebrity is actually behaving like a lunatic or just trolling us to get a reaction. We like to think it's the latter. So scroll on for some random good times and a few funny moments that may even make you laugh. Laughing is actually mandatory so better start chuckling now. For more dumb things that seem less dumb from far away, click here.