17 Things Young People Are Sick Of Hearing Old People Complain About
A now-viral Reddit thread combines some of the common complaints of the elderly, and some of the hypocrisy from older folks hits like a ton of bricks.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
A now-viral Reddit thread combines some of the common complaints of the elderly, and some of the hypocrisy from older folks hits like a ton of bricks.
The older folks among us are often a source of knowledge, life experience, inspiration, and more. Having gone through some of the same exact things we currently are, we turn to them for guidance in navigating these situations. But one thing that is important to consider, is how time changes making certain things much more difficult or less accessible to us than it was for them.
,br/> A now viral Ask Reddit thread combines some of the common complaints of the elderly, and some of the hypocrisy from older folks hits like a ton of bricks.5
You Should Really Buy a House and Settle Down
"I'm trying Karen. Just cause you bought your house in the 60's for 40k and a blueberry, off your husbands salary, whilst you were a stay at home mom, then sold it for 600k this year to retire off of- Doesn't mean that it's the same for this generation, right now. Far from it in fact. Just. Shut up."7
No one Wants to Work Anymore
"First of all no one ever wanted to work. That's why it's called, "work", and not "fun".
Second of all, maybe it's that no one wants to work at your job that lists itself as entry level but wants 5 years of experience and a master's degree along with being able to work 12 hour days at minimum wage."8
Kids Don't Play Outside Anymore
"I do love the complaints about kids not playing outside anymore nowadays. Especially by people from the generation who did everything in their power to make just being outside aggressively terrible. Either through a large decrease in the number of places kids can play, an increase in the number of cars and just vehicles in general or by making laws against things like simply hanging out. Of course, we're going to prefer being on the phone over that. "10
Video Games Are a Waste of Time
"Says the boomer sitting on the couch, sitting on his phone with Fox News playing in the background. "
"My retired dad has been so nasty to my husband because my husband enjoys playing video games. He tells him he's addicted and one time told him to get a job instead of playing video games even though my husband did already have a job. At the same time, my dad has no friends, hates spending time with his family, and spends his entire day every day watching tv from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed at night."14
Pull Yourself up by Your Boot Straps and Work Harder
"Buddy, I’ve been working 60+ hours a week and prices keep going up and my pay is not and I actually cannot afford to change jobs, change my living situation, buy a more fuel efficient car, or go to college. There actually is no out. There is no work harder and I’ll make it. I’m literally in the poverty trap. I’m slowly making my way out of it but it’s going to be a long time unless some other opportunity magically appears. College isn’t the price of a McDouble anymore old man."15
Come Home, We Want To Spend Time With You
"My favourite version of this is "come home, we want to spend time with you". So i come home and dad jacks his headphones in on his tablet and watches videos, mom gets on her laptop, and im stuck watching whatever rerun of Monk theyve got playing on the tv essentially by myself. I've become a holiday decoration to be set out on the couch and not interacted with."17
When you're older you'll agree with me
"Ffs just because you're older doesn't mean you're always right or that you know the answers to all my life's problems. You grew up in a different time period, with different problems, and different social views. Your problems might be similar, and you might be right some of the time, but that is no excuse to shut down every logical point I make against your beliefs with this line."18
When I was your age, I already had 5 kids and two grandchildren" or "My granddaughter is your age and she already has 3 kids. When are you going to give you mom some grandkids?!".
"I'm 30. Not that old, not that young. But this kind of comment? Definitely old for me. I'm so tired of older ladies saying this. I think I wasn't even 18 when they started! They don't accept any reasonable answer that isn't a "I'm working on it". A "maybe later" or "I'm doing my best to get a steady career before having kids" or "we are saving"? Gets them on a rampage saying some bs about kids not costing a thing and that I'm getting old or that women were born to be mothers or whatever.