25 of the Biggest Scams that Nobody Wants to Admit are Scams
Nobody likes to get played. That's why most of us have gotten pretty good at spotting scams.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
Nobody likes to get played. That's why most of us have gotten pretty good at spotting scams.
Except when they are right in front of us, of course. Here are the biggest scams that NOBODY wants to admit are scams!
Except when they are right in front of us, of course. Here are the biggest scams that NOBODY wants to admit are scams!
The fact that airlines have X amount of seats per flight, but almost always sell X+10 seats and then refund you about 80% of your ticket cost. Do that to the 10 people and suddenly you have about 2 tickets worth of profits seemingly out of nowhere, and everyone still has a flight. Just an unbelievably immoral way to gain a few bucks, but everyone just goes with it since the airplanes aren't exactly a train that comes every 10 minutes.19
Fashion trends, and the incredible amount of waste it createsIf everyone learned how to mend/alter garments in school, and value was placed on investing in a few quality made items instead of a closet full of disposable fast fashion, there would be wayyyy less clothing in landfills and wayy less demand for chemical laden garments to be cranked out in sweatshops. our relationship to clothing is so warped.(Buying second-hand is a great way to wiggle out of the grip of the fashion industry if it’s available to you).20
The entire wedding industry.To be clear, not marriage but weddings specifically.I’m happily married to my wife and we were content to do something special just the two of us, maybe spend a couple of grand and treat ourselves a little bit to something amazing.Cue the families getting involved and before you know it we’re spending closer to twenty grand on one day and feeding a bunch of people I’ve not heard of before or since the wedding.