Man Asks for Art Commission and the Convo Escalates...
- Artist gets asked to do commission but doesn't have...
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Man Accidentally Unleashes 250 Crickets In His House
- His wife was not pleased. His wife may have murdered...
Dude Doesn't Think He Should Pay for PS4
- Man offers PS4 for money. Another man asks for PS4 for...
Entitled Woman Asks Co-worker For a $120 Tablet for...
- Greedy woman asks for more during a gift exchange with...
23 People Who Failed Terribly At Life
- Failures that are too screwed up to be real.
18 Liars Who Definitely Didn't Mean to Send That Text...
- No one is going to believe them especially when they...
26 A**holes Doing Their Thing
- These people are downright rude.
23 Moments of Failure to Make You Feel Better
- As if the holidays couldn't get any worse.
20 People Having a Much Worse Day than You
- Photos that will offer some consolation when in you're...
Woman Shares Her Hilarious Story About The Time She...
- How a forgotten piece of "sexy" underwear from an ex...
21 People Who Recovered From A Bad Text With The Grace...
- Perfect recovery.
33 "Nice Guys" That Are Just Psychos
- They wonder why they can't get dates.
19 Times Anti-Vaxxers Proved Stupidity Is Evolving
- A collection of idiotic posts made by Anti-vaxxers (or...
11 Things People Learned Too Late That'll Make You...
- Some people only just now got the memo and the memo...
Jerk Begs for Fancy Tesla for His Wedding Then...
- Dude posts on facebook about needing a car for his...
23 Times Things Didn't Go as Planned
- Unintelligent or unfortunate, you decide. Tbh it's...
Entitled Mom Goes Off on a Free Swim Instructor
- A swim instructor was doing a good deed and teaching...
Clueless Woman Freaks Out That The JOY Sign She...
- I just can't. How could she possibly even be allowed...
Dude Gets Roasted For Realizing That Rage Against The...
- How the world could this guy not have heard what they...
Insane Londoner Seeking A Roommate Lays Out...
- Good luck finding anyone who wants to live you, mate.
24 People Who Can't Stop Lying
- I'm suuuuuure these stories really happened.
35 Christmas Decoration Fails
- Time to deck the halls with dicks and ballys.
49 Cringe-Filled Pics That Will Make Feel Icky
- A dump of pics that'll make you cringe, facepalm, and...
32 Times Dudes Just Had To Do The Hover Hands
- Find a spot and go for it already.
22 People Who Aren't That Smart
- Not the smartest tools in the shed.
Guy Throws Temper Tantrum After Getting Rejected On...
- This guy gets a little unhinged.
22 Photoshop Jobs That Will Make You Oof
- these leave everything to the imagination
39 Times Someone Couldn't Quite Pull It Off
- If it wasn't for bad luck, some people would have no...
21 Kids Toys Designed By Satan Himself
- Just in time for Xmas.
27 People Who Think They Are Just Sooo Smart
- Settle down there brainiac... you're probably lying...
12 Hollywood Movie Myths Vs Actual Reality
- You don't need to be a Mythbuster to call bullsh*t on...
33 Times People Bit off a Bit More Than They Could Chew
- The most beautiful, most blissful, most boneheaded...
26 Times Someone Found Out They Might Be Dumb
- Sometimes it takes someone on the internet to show you...
18 Real "Tough Guys" Who Mean Business
- Oh, looks like we got an actual bad ass on our hands.
22 Pics That Will Make You Question Society
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
27 Times People Should Have Proof Read Better
- Our public school systems have failed us again.
24 Pics of Guys Who Struck Out Bad
- Dating Advice: Don't do this.
17 Cringy Posts That'll Make You Delete Your Social...
- Prepare for a healthy dose of weird cringy people to...
20 Gifs That Remind You Why Watching People Fail is...
- People failing is one of the little joys that make...
22 Times Youtubers Hit People With "Story-Time"...
- People who couldn’t wait to play the victim card.
eBaum's Picks