20 Housekeepers Share the Secrets They've Learned About the Home Owners They Service
According to the housekeepers of Reddit, if you have a dirty little secret you trying to keep from your wife or husband, chances are the only other person in the know is the person routinely taking out your trash.
Published 11 months ago in Funny
According to the housekeepers of Reddit, if you have a dirty little secret you're trying to keep from your wife or husband, chances are the only other person in the know is the person routinely taking out your trash.
We know, shocking that the person doing the actually dirty work around your house is the same person who discovers your secret dirty secrets, but we'll hold our surprise.
There is a theme here and it's exactly what you'd think it would be. Those toys you keep "hidden" aren't so hidden and if they can be found, they will be. So if you and the misses get up to some freaky stuff in the bedroom, make sure you buy a safe before you hire and cleaning person, you'll thank us later.