New Boss Gets Exactly What He Wants, Loses Job
There's a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over -- a "fancy" email address has to be one of the dumbest.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
There are a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over -- a "fancy" email
There are a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over -- a "fancy" email address has to be one of the dumbest.
When the new head of IT decides he wants the kind of fancy email address that a company veteran has and gets told he can't, he decides to go another route: stealing one that already exists just because he can. Despite all warnings against it and the fact that it could cause serious disruptions to the business just to appease his ego, the new IT head pulls the trigger and gets what he wants.
And, consequently, learns firsthand the perils of getting exactly what you wished for. Especially when that wish was for added responsibility. What happens next is as predictable as it is utterly satisfying. Let this one man's facepalm serve as a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of giving in to your own most immature impulses -- and ignoring the advice of those smarter than you.