
TGIF: 18 Work Memes to Sign Off For the Weekend

Congrats, you survived the work week yet again. All that incessant clocking in and out, commuting, and hard labor is enough to qualify you for a well-deserved meme break. Lucky for you this work meme roundup is accompanied by some lovely work Twitter discourse!

This week a TikTok video of a recent college grad lamenting the gruesomeness of the 9-5 schedule and long commute was reposted onto Twitter in hopes of getting more people to flame her. Well, a lot more people were on the side of the tired Gen Z marketing girlie who was just using her TikTok to vent. We all know working and being an adult blows! Why would we roast someone who is right to whine?

Alongside the funny commentary from that Twitter discourse, there are tweets about the terrible memes you’re coworker shows you, memes about the horrors of commuting, and a great tip on what to do when there are too many emails.

Get into these memes to end your workday in style. 

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