Our Top 10 Most Annoying Characters of All Time
For every character like Commander Sheppard that you're absolutely in love with, there's a character like Eli from The Walking Dead that you just can't stand. Here's a list of the most annoying characters in gaming.
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Roman GTA IV - “Cousin, let’s go bowling!” If you’ve ever played Grand Theft Auto IV before, you’ll have heard those words. Nico Bellic’s cousin Roman will call you at all hours of the day or night practically begging you to go bowling with him and treat you like crap whenever you say no. Roman is one of the most annoying characters of all time, he talks a big game and acts like he’s larger than life but when it comes down to it he’s just another small man. He’s got an ego and an attitude that’s entirely too large for the rinky-dink apartment he and Nico share. All of his promises turn out to be nothing but lies and it’s honestly more fun to drive off of a bridge in Liberty City than it is to deal with Roman. -
Ashley Resident Evil 4 - Never in gaming has an NPC companion been as tedious as Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4. If she isn’t being kidnapped because her AI programming isn’t smart enough to tell her to run away from the enemies instead of to them, she’s complaining about how terrible the situation is, using the same dialogue lines over and over again. Ashley is almost impossible to keep safe unless you end up putting her in a literal suit of armor that makes her too heavy to kidnap because she’s so insistent on running to the enemy and getting killed. Many, many sessions of RE4 have ended in frustration because Ashley couldn’t standstill. -
Claptrap, Borderlands - Claptrap is one of the most recognizable characters in gaming. He’s practically the face of the Borderlands franchise. He’s also one of the most annoying characters in gaming. His shrill high pitched voice would be bad enough if he wasn’t constantly talking, but he is, and he almost never has anything productive to say. Claptrap doesn’t even really talk, he screams at you as loudly and as often as he can for absolutely no reason. His poor writing and forgettable jokes would be forgettable if they weren’t such a fixture of the game, but you quite literally can’t get away from Claptrap, he’s everywhere, and his irritation follows you. It’d be more fun to jam a rusty nail in your ear than to spend time with Claptrap. -
Navi Legend of Zelda - The Legend of Zelda series is legendary, but Navi makes it difficult to enjoy Ocarina of Time. Ocarina may be a classic, but Navi is the definition of annoying for no reason whatsoever. Anyone that’s played the game will know of the constant shouts of “Hey!”, “Look!” and “Listen!” that you’re pelted with through the course of your playthrough. Sometimes it’s more fun to shut the game off and not have to deal with Navi than it is to complete your play session. -
Sheva Resident Evil 5 - Sheva is absolutely useless in Resi 5. Her dialogue is worse than the classic Resident Evil “You were almost a Jill sandwich!” quotes, and her AI is worse than Ashley’s from Resi 4. At least Ashley was a non-combatant and didn’t have combat training. Sheva is a professional, and somehow, someway she does the absolute worst things imaginable. Instead of firing at the enemy and helping you survive, she takes it upon herself to waste all of the ammo you give her while not hitting a single target. She runs away from the objective instead of running to the objective. And instead of managing her inventory properly, she not only wastes ammunition, but also health items that you could need in a pinch. It’s honestly easier to finish Resident Evil 5 by not giving Sheva any weapons or ammunition than it is to have her help you. -
Adam Jensen Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided - “I didn’t ask for this.”If you play the latest two Deus Ex games, you’ll hear that line over and over again. Adam Jensen is a likable enough protagonist but he constantly whines and complains about situations in his life that are mostly his fault. His breakup with the woman he still loves? That was on Jensen and the way he treated her. Losing his job? Also on Jensen. See a trend here? Jensen constantly complains about the outcome of situations he ruined himself. Eventually, you get tired of Adam’s whining. -
Ghost Destiny - Your Ghost in Destiny is your constant companion. Ghosts feed you lore and information about the worlds you inhabit, the people you’re fighting, and the things you’re doing. The problem is, your ghost can be a wimp. In Beyond Light, your Ghost spends the entire 6 to 8-hour campaign bleating on in your ear about how dangerous it is to try and use the newly introduced Stasis powers. No one likes a spoilsport, and when you’re just trying to sit down and have some fun, having a whiny companion character can ruin your game session. -
Johnny Cage Mortal Kombat - If you look up “arrogant” in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Johny Cage’s face next to the word. Johnny is the living definition of self-absorbed. A martial artist turned Hollywood actor, Johnny feels he can do no wrong. Every time he’s on-screen he’s making terrible puns and jokes that are failed attempts to get in women’s pants. He flirts with everything that moves and almost never says anything worth hearing. Johnny’s the literal definition of an eyesore. -
Larry The Walking Dead - Larry is a character that somehow wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every single day. If you’ve played The Walking Dead you’ve encountered this gigantic grump of a man that’s very much in favor of murdering a child. A child that Larry only thinks has been bitten even though there’s no evidence of a bite, simply because Larry only cares about one person. Larry. His constant yelling, screaming, and fist throwing makes you wish he was dead every time he opens his mouth. -
Emily Until Dawn - Keeping a bunch of sex-crazed teenagers alive is difficult enough under most circumstances. Drugs, sex, and rock and roll cause more problems than you might think. But add in a horror atmosphere and a masked killer and suddenly their survival because far more difficult and far more questionable. In Emily’s case, her survival went from questionable to completely optional. Emily is the definition of entitled and obnoxious, anytime things don’t go her way she whines and complains until someone gives in. She’s selfish, disrespectful and clearly cares more about herself than she does about the rest of the group and its survival.
- 24 Words of Wisdom to Live By
Roman GTA IV - “Cousin, let’s go bowling!” If you’ve ever played Grand Theft Auto IV before, you’ll have heard those words. Nico Bellic’s cousin Roman will call you at all hours of the day or night practically begging you to go bowling with him and treat you like crap whenever you say no. Roman is one of the most annoying characters of all time, he talks a big game and acts like he’s larger than life but when it comes down to it he’s just another small man. He’s got an ego and an attitude that’s entirely too large for the rinky-dink apartment he and Nico share. All of his promises turn out to be nothing but lies and it’s honestly more fun to drive off of a bridge in Liberty City than it is to deal with Roman.