They Invented a Robot That Can Do Parkour
- Why? Why are we doing this?
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New Orleans Froze Over, and Now People Are Playing...
- California is burning, Louisiana is freezing. What is...
Woman Tries to Get a Leg Up By Standing on Paint...
- Use a chair next time.
Watch a Python Climb a Tree
- It’s… weird.
22 Photos of 70’s Fun Kids Today Will Never...
- Kids these days only care about their iPads, their...
They Put a BMX Bowl Under a Hot Air Balloon
- Don’t ask why—just enjoy it!
Dude Terrifyingly Chases Down His Ex-Girlfriend With a...
- You’re not gonna win her back acting like that!
‘Spring Festival’ Fills City With Explosions,...
- Are we having fun yet?
Truck Crashes Through Building, Man Remains Totally...
- It’s gonna take more than a car smashing through the...
Wild Emu Escapes, Gets Corralled by Group of Amish...
- Lots of questions about this one.
Car Wash Worker Gets Instant Revenge on Person Who...
- Absolutely justified.
Racist Woman Gets a Little Instant Karma
- And it tastes oh, so sweet.
40 Tuesday Morning Randoms to Lift Your Soul
- Strap in for a long week of wasting your time.
25 Tweets and Memes of Drake Getting Dunked On
- Drake would never be allowed on Degrassi today.
The 48 Funniest Tweets from the Last 48 Hours
- Kanye an Elon are bonding over being the weird kid in...
35 Pics of Strange and Chaotic Damage
- You never know how cool a thing can look until it...
38 Wednesday Morning Randoms to Cut You Loose
- Set your stupidity free.
Fan at Super Bowl Spotted with Patrick Mahomes VooDoo...
- Is this why the game sucked?
People Are Now Looting Restaurants for Their Eggs
- Why pay for a couple dozen when you can steal ‘em?
Man Doing Laundry Narrowly Avoids Washing Machine...
- Check your pockets before putting your stuff in the...
Driver Sees He’s on the News, Decides to Rip a Few...
- Gotta make those few moments count!
Woman Gets Punched in the Face by Elephant
- No photos!
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- R.I.P. the Gulf of Mexico
23 Dark Tweets About Yet Another Insane Plane Crash
- These people don’t know the meaning of “too...
Drunk Man Does Backflip, Then Gets Into Fight With...
- Just an average Wednesday in Russia.
Boyfriend’s Revenge on Ex-Girlfriend Goes a Little...
- Creative? Yes. Evil? Also yes.
‘Energy Illustrators’ Say the Moon Landing Is Fake...
- All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.
Uncoordinated Gymgoer Slips on Treadmill, Then...
- Maybe it’s time to find a new New Year’s...
Hockey Player Sucker Punches the Helmet Off Another...
- Only slightly more violent than normal hockey.
Baltic Countries’ Ceremony to Ditch Russian Energy...
- You guys are running countries, not auditioning for...
15 People Who Look Like Their Jobs
- The plastic surgeon probably did his own surgery and...
22 Unexpectedly Heavyweight Athletes
- You can still go pro and love McDonalds.
23 Comments And Comebacks That Flattened Folks Who Had...
- Be careful what you post online, because you might get...
21 Nostalgic Photos Plucked Straight From The '80s and...
- "I remember that!" — you, probably
33 Weird Medieval Armors to Strike Fear and Confusion...
- The main function of armor in medieval times was of...
30 Cursed Dating Profiles That Probably Won’t Be...
- I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have a...
40 Thursday Morning Randoms to Drain Your Brain
- Let the randoms flow.
31 Pics Taken from an Unfortunate Perspective
- Cameras can have a dirty mind.
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Pete Davidson is smooth now.
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