Kid Puts Cringey Man-on-the-Street Interviewer in His...
- Hopefully other victims of these street interviewers...
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Drunk Dude Pissing on the Ground Makes Perfect...
- This is German culture!
Man Is Really Good at Pretending to Get Shot in the...
- A skill he’ll hopefully never have to use.
30 Funny Posts Roasting Bill Belichick for Having a...
- She drives to the nursing home with her learners...
35 Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World
- The Earth is at least in the top five best planets for...
40 Sunday Morning Randoms to Wrap Up Your Weekend
- The bubble man was killed by the FBI after the photo...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- President Stephen A. Smith will save us all.
40 Monday Morning Randoms to Launch Your Week
- Reboot your brain with the dumbest stuff we could find.
Philadelphia’s Super Bowl Celebration Was As...
- Win or lose, this was bound to happen.
Remembering How Terrible the Super Bowl Halftime Show...
- It was a long, strange journey to Kendrick calling...
Food Delivery Driver Gets Clotheslined by Loading Dock
- A delivery guy, getting delivered to the ground, by a...
Rats in Boston Airport Get Into Boston-Style Fight
- They’re learning from their surroundings.
Watch a Man Wrestle a Bear
- Of course this happened in Russia.
Sinkholes Keep Opening Up in San Francisco, and...
- It doesn’t get more Bay Area than this!
Dude Takes Down a Building by Throwing a Single Rock
- Well…that didn’t take much.
Moped Driver Gets Intentionally Struck by Car
- I don’t like the things either, but this is a bit...
China’s New Car Can Parallel Park You In Sideways
- Save this for the shitty driver in your life!
Cop Apprehends Suspect by Giving Him a Little Tickle
- Goochie goochie goo, it’s off to jail for you!
‘Spring Festival’ Fills City With Explosions,...
- Are we having fun yet?
Wild Emu Escapes, Gets Corralled by Group of Amish...
- Lots of questions about this one.
Car Wash Worker Gets Instant Revenge on Person Who...
- Absolutely justified.
Racist Woman Gets a Little Instant Karma
- And it tastes oh, so sweet.
40 Tuesday Morning Randoms to Lift Your Soul
- Strap in for a long week of wasting your time.
25 Tweets and Memes of Drake Getting Dunked On
- Drake would never be allowed on Degrassi today.
The 48 Funniest Tweets from the Last 48 Hours
- Kanye an Elon are bonding over being the weird kid in...
35 Pics of Strange and Chaotic Damage
- You never know how cool a thing can look until it...
38 Wednesday Morning Randoms to Cut You Loose
- Set your stupidity free.
Fan at Super Bowl Spotted with Patrick Mahomes VooDoo...
- Is this why the game sucked?
People Are Now Looting Restaurants for Their Eggs
- Why pay for a couple dozen when you can steal ‘em?
Man Doing Laundry Narrowly Avoids Washing Machine...
- Check your pockets before putting your stuff in the...
Driver Sees He’s on the News, Decides to Rip a Few...
- Gotta make those few moments count!
Woman Gets Punched in the Face by Elephant
- No photos!
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- R.I.P. the Gulf of Mexico
23 Dark Tweets About Yet Another Insane Plane Crash
- These people don’t know the meaning of “too...
Drunk Man Does Backflip, Then Gets Into Fight With...
- Just an average Wednesday in Russia.
Boyfriend’s Revenge on Ex-Girlfriend Goes a Little...
- Creative? Yes. Evil? Also yes.
‘Energy Illustrators’ Say the Moon Landing Is Fake...
- All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.
Uncoordinated Gymgoer Slips on Treadmill, Then...
- Maybe it’s time to find a new New Year’s...
Hockey Player Sucker Punches the Helmet Off Another...
- Only slightly more violent than normal hockey.
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