Man Finds Out Cops Just Killed His Dog
- Police entered a private resident and killed Sean...
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Dumb Criminal Checks Facebook During Burglary
- He forgot to log-off and was later arrested by police.
Cop Hits Pedestrian Using The Crosswalk
- A police officer can't stop in time and knocks down a...
Civilian Ends A High-Speed Car Chase
- A teen running from police is stopped by a Dodge Ram.
Police Throw Grenade Into Baby's Playpen
- The explosion left the 19 month old toddler in a coma,...
Driver Pushes Police Car Off Road In Russia
- During a pursuit of a drunk driver near the city of...
Policeman Stops Traffic For Crossing Ducks
- This is the best cop video you'll see all day.
"Tase Me if You Want To..."
- Guy resisting arrest gets tased and drops like tree in...
Guy's Wallet Gets Him Out Of A Ticket
- This guy catches a break from a cool cop over his "Bad...
Graffiti Bomb VS Police Robot
- These guys plant a fake backpack bomb and the bomb...
Tree Falls On Cop During Traffic Stop
- Confucius say policeman who park behind car in woods...
Police Brutality During Peaceful Protest
- The Denver Police attack and arrest "Every 5th"...
Dad Arrested at School Board Meeting
- Parent upset over a reading selection in was arrested...
Drunk Girl Reacts To Hearing She Killed Someone
- A drunk driver's disgusting reaction to hearing the...
The First-Ever Mugshots
- Portraits of British criminals taken more than 150...
Police Officer Verbally Explodes On Citizen
- A hot-headed cop gets upset and rages on a man who...
Parking Enforcement Officer Gets Owned
- He was trying to write a ticket, while parked...
Cop Tripping Balls
- Where will you be when acid kicks in?
Man Arrested In Own Home For No Reason
- Officer oversteps his authority as he barges into mans...
Cop Runs Down Suspect And Tackles Him
- Impressive catch-up speed from this officer ends a...
Teen Writes Cop A Parking Ticket
- How he reacted may surprise you.
Deputy Shoots 70 Year Old Unarmed Man
- He was reaching for his cane when the deputy opened...
Mass Break In At Concert
- Security guard causes a guy to tumble off of a fence...
Cop Beats A Man In A Wheelchair
- A cop faces criminal charges after a man is beaten up...
Bong Prank On The Cops
- VitalyzedTV hits a bong out in public, right in front...
Cops Try To Frame Man And Get Caught
- Marcus Jeter escapes a 5 year prison sentence after...
Rookie Cop Screws Up
- An officer has to let the man go after hitting his...
Suspect On Bicycle Tackled By Police
- Dramatic video captured by a local CBS news affiliate.
UK Cop Caught Framing A Citizen Journalist
- A citizen journalist was assaulted and set up by a...
Guy Messing With Biker Gets Instant Karma
- A wannabe gangsta tries to punk a biker, but gets...
Is This Australian Policeman Stoned?
- A driver films what seems like a police officer who is...
Meanwhile In Police Academy
- Hardcore training taking place here.
Cops Launch A Boat With Trailer
- The keystone cops attempt to go boating...
Black Men Arrested For Traveling?
- These two black guys say they were arrested for being...
Driver Doesn't Stop For School Bus
- Dashcam footage of Insta-Karma.
The Coolest Cop Ever?
- A cop is impressed with this guy's ride and even...
State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids
- Officers are under investigation after a traffic stop...
Big Drunk Guy Gets Tased
- Instead of cooperating, he decides to resist and meets...
Guy Throws Cheap Shot, Tackled By Cops
- The best justice is swift justice!
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